Application of research proposal in the context of distance learning of the future language and literature teacher




research proposal, research competence, knowledge society, HEIs, academic writing, philology, education


The objective of this research is to study the potential of application of the research proposal in the context of distance learning of future teachers of language and literature. The research method is based on a summative evaluation (closed questionnaire of the author, test through the technique of L. Yovaysha modified by H. V. Rezapkina) and formative experiment, text analysis, in-depth interview, mathematical and statistical methods of processing of data, visualized representation and functional generalization analysis of the empirical data obtained. When comparing the results of the summative evaluation and the formative experiment, it was found that the level of RPCQ is positive in all respondents. RPCQ's minimum growth rate was 3.3% and the maximum was 16.6%. The difference between the upper and lower limits was 13.3%. It was also observed that there are significant fluctuations in RPCQ growth rates even within a subgroup of the academic success rate. Regarding RPCQ levels of progress, RPCQ progress was centered on Satisfactory Level in 52.9% of the cases. Therefore, it is considered necessary to investigate the factors that influence the improvement of RPCQ in the near future, and if RPCQ depends on the specialty of the students.


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How to Cite

Matsko, V. P. ., Piroshenko, S. Y. ., Sliuzko, V. I. ., Filiniuk, V. A. ., & Tsyts, H. O. . (2021). Application of research proposal in the context of distance learning of the future language and literature teacher. Apuntes Universitarios, 12(1), 288–315.