Representation, perspective and fauna in the Cusco school: a case study




Cusco School, representation, perspective, fauna, birds, painting, art.


The symbolic nature of the paintings of the Cusco School interprets the conception of the pictorial space, in its representation in the painting, the type of perspective and the fauna, taking as a case of analysis the painting “The Last Communion of Santa María Egipcíaca.” To do this, the meaning of the representation, the type of perspective, the distribution within the pictorial space is studied and it is complemented with the identification of the bird species represented in the aforementioned painting. The analysis of the spatial representation, implicit in the picture, uses the formal analysis method. The focus of this study is qualitative-descriptive and the methodological design assumes the perspective from the transdisciplinary perspective, since they are based on the History of Peruvian Viceregal Art, iconographic analysis, iconological analysis, as well as taxonomy and ornithological systematics.  


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How to Cite

Katayama Omura, R. J. ., Pulido Capurro, V. ., Pedrosa Velasco, D. L. ., & Olivera Carhuaz, E. . (2021). Representation, perspective and fauna in the Cusco school: a case study. Apuntes Universitarios, 12(1), 135–152.