Determinants of job satisfaction in a health facility during the state of health emergency, Peru




Burnout, Covid 19, job motivation, health, job satisfaction.


In this research, the determining factors of job satisfaction in a health facility during the state of health emergency in Peru were examined. Surveys were conducted with 244 collaborators from the different areas of the health facility. The study was carried out under the quantitative approach and ex post facto design. The data collection technique was the survey, which was applied in August 2020, when Covid 19 cases were on the rise. Hierarchical stepwise regression was applied to test the hypothesis, where two models were determined to explain job satisfaction. The first model explains that job satisfaction depends on burnout in 20.4%, with a power of 0.996; while the second model explains job satisfaction due to burnout and motivation in 28.7%, with a power of 0.99. Therefore, the research confirmed that the determinants of job satisfaction are burnout and motivation according to the collaborators of the health establishment during the state of health emergency.


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How to Cite

Mendoza-Briceño, E. ., Guerrero Bejarano, M. A. ., Carhuancho-Mendoza, I. ., Nolazco-Labajos, F. ., & Silva Siu, D. . (2021). Determinants of job satisfaction in a health facility during the state of health emergency, Peru. Apuntes Universitarios, 12(1), 122–134.