Symptoms of anxiety, aggressive behaviors and eating disorders in adolescents in northern Peru




Anxiety, aggressiveness, anorexia, bulimia, eating behavior disorder, nutrition.


An eating disorder could have its origin in any factor, and previous studies do not accurately determine the risk of anxiety, aggressiveness as the cause of it. Therefore, the objective of this research was to determine the relationship between anxiety and aggressiveness with eating disorders in adolescents in the city of Chimbote, Peru. The method used was the cross-sectional study, carried out in a sample of 916 teenage students of secondary education (4th and 5th grade) and university students (first cycle) in 2018. Measures of central tendency and dispersion, absolute and relative frequencies were calculated. Likewise, the binary logistic regression was performed to analyze the risk factors for the dependent variable by adjusting the covariates grouped in age, gender, anxiety symptoms and aggressive behaviors with eating disorders, reported by Odd ratios considering significant at p <0.05. It was found that, on average 1 in 4 reported symptoms of anxiety, aggressive behaviors, and eating disorders due to being female: OR = 0.66, have symptoms of anxiety OR = 1.67 and have aggressive behavior OR = 1.72. It represented a risk for suffering from eating disorders. It is concluded that the symptoms of anxiety and aggressive behaviors represented a risk for suffering from eating disorders mainly in the female gender. It is important that authorities of the Ministry of Health of Peru promote a plan of intervention in mental health in adolescents to reduce eating disorders such as obesity, overweight and others.


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How to Cite

Quiñones-Negrete, M. ., Arhuis-Inca, W. ., Pérez-Moran, G. ., Coronado-Fernandez, J. ., & Cjuno, J. . (2021). Symptoms of anxiety, aggressive behaviors and eating disorders in adolescents in northern Peru. Apuntes Universitarios, 12(1), 92–107.