Improving foreign language skills of the regional hospitality employees




foreign language education, principles, approaches, English language training program, regional hospitality industry.


The purpose of this paper is to lay the theoretical and methodological foundations for supplementary foreign language training of employees of the regional hospitality industry. Competence-based, systemic, socio-cultural, regional and andragogical approaches constitute the general methodological framework of this research. The research employed the methods of theoretical analysis (analysis of psychological-pedagogical and sociological literature); empirical methods (questionnaire survey, interview); data mathematical analysis methods. The paper overviews the key results of questionnaire survey among employees of the regional hospitality industry, which helped to reveal the problems they face in foreign language communication within the scope of their job duties, assess the degree of their satisfaction with their current knowledge, skills and abilities in foreign language, and consider a possibility of supplementary foreign language training. The authors have identified basic principles for improving foreign-language skills of employees of the regional hospitality industry, determined the thematic content of the English language training program “English for Hospitality Students” developed to accommodate the communicative needs of potential learners. The conclusion presents the methodological substantiation of the program of supplementary foreign language training for employees of the regional hospitality industry.  


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How to Cite

N. Kartashova, V. ., & N. Arkhangelskaya, N. . (2021). Improving foreign language skills of the regional hospitality employees. Apuntes Universitarios, 11(4), 624–637.