Technologization of preventive activities in the system of preparing future teachers: a strategy for improving the quality of university education




prevention, preventive activity, technologization of training, educational technologies.


The article reveals the theoretical foundations of the technologization of preventive activity in the system of training future teachers for the chosen profession as a strategy for improving the quality of modern higher pedagogical education. The purpose of the article is the theoretical substantiation and testing of the effectiveness of technologization of preventive activities in the system of improving the quality of training of teaching staff. With the help of a set of research methods (questioning, testing, observation, modeling of event-role situations, pedagogical experiment, analysis of the results of preventive activities of students, methods of mathematical statistics), the resource possibilities of technologization of preventive activities in ensuring positive dynamics of the level of readiness of future teachers for professional activity and reliability the results obtained. It has been established that through the use of various types, forms, teaching methods, operating with content based on didactic interaction in the "teacher - students" system, the quality of the educational process of the university is achieved. The effectiveness of various educational technologies as one of the means of technologizing preventive activities in the system of training future teachers for creative professional work is shown


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How to Cite

Mykolayovych, K. N., Gennadyevna, K. K., Olegovich, C. M., Valentynіvna V. N. ., & Vitaliivna, S. N. . (2021). Technologization of preventive activities in the system of preparing future teachers: a strategy for improving the quality of university education. Apuntes Universitarios, 11(4), 183–202.