The schools of the prophets


  • Francisco Quinteros Del Águila Universidad Peruana Unión, Perú



Philosophy of christian education, educational models, pedagogy, adventist education


The author explores the relationship between current education and schools of the prophets as an educational model. This is part of a historical study to identify the schools of the prophets in the Bible and in the writings of Ellen White. This paper proposes a reflection on christian education from a biblical platform, whichprovides for a spirit of deep christian devotion and the teachers, the relationship of the study and work as a distinctive feature of the student as well as personalized tutorial attention, which is equivalent to an educational model that well would force teachers and administrators to imitate.


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Author Biography

Francisco Quinteros Del Águila, Universidad Peruana Unión, Perú

Doctor en Teología por la Universidad Peruana Unión. Se desempeñó como decano de la Facultad de Teología y actualmente es director general de la UPeU, con sede en Tarapoto. Ha escrito numerosos artículos y es profesor visitante a nivel nacional e internacional.


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How to Cite

Quinteros Del Águila, F. (2013). The schools of the prophets. Apuntes Universitarios, 3(1), 105–115.