Bayesian networks to study the influence of teacher evaluation on the academic performance of students of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture of a confessional private university




Educational evaluation, academic performance, Bayesian networks, Adventist education


This research aims to study the influence of the dimensions of the teaching evaluation in the academic performance of the students of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture. The dimensions of the independent variable are based on instruments of academic management, the unit of analysis (the own Faculty) used every six months, these are: ethical-social aspect, teaching professional performance and spiritual aspect. In addition, they are based on the model of The Philosophy of Seventh-day Adventist Education, supported by Edward M. Cadwallader. The problem being addressed is to know what are the scenarios resulting from therelationships of both variables to support the administration of the Faculty in the decisions arising from these scenarios. This study is descriptive, experimental, correlational and transversal type. Can find the theorisation of the study variables, the formulation of the causal model and Bayesian, results of the resulting scenarios, as well as conclusions


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Author Biographies

Omar L. Loaiza Jara, Universidad Nacional de San Antonio Abad de Cusco

Ingeniero de Sistemas de formación con estudios de maestría en Administración en la Universidad Nacional de San Antonio Abad de Cusco. Cuenta con amplia experiencia docente de nivel universitario en la línea de Ingeniería de Software e Investigación. Coeditor de la revista científica “Business Intelligence” y autor del libro: “Exporte por Internet”. Es docente Asociado de la escuela de Ingeniería de Sistemas en la Universidad Peruana Unión

Juan Soria Quijaite, Universidad Peruana Unión

Licenciado en matemáticas y física. Magíster en Matemática Aplicada, Magíster en Docencia Universitaria y gestión Educativa, Especialista es estadística para la Investigación y Doctor en Ingeniería de Sistemas por la Universidad Alas Peruanas. Es consultor estadístico del Ministerio de la Producción, Docente investigador de la línea inteligencia artificial en la Universidad Peruana Unión


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How to Cite

Loaiza Jara, O. L., Soria Quijaite, J., & Bellido Mamani, E. (2016). Bayesian networks to study the influence of teacher evaluation on the academic performance of students of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture of a confessional private university. Apuntes Universitarios, 6(1), 61–77.