Values as a result of the God-man and business conduct




Values, deconstruction, relationship with God, business behavior


The goal of this review is to highlight the importance of the values that are built as a result of the relationship between God and man. Values are experiences that come from multiple sources, and can be objectives and subjectives. This creates an oppressive social thought of dominant values, accepted by the cultural demand with which one could not be identified. The experienced values under the domination of individualism deconstructed the civilization, because the human being is not autonomous or a lonely creation. His being reason is the community. The business behavior survives in the society, therefore requires strong links and these are only found in the man's relationship with God.


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Author Biography

Edual Delmar Santos Gutierrez, Universidad Peruana Unión

Doctor en Ciencias Empresariales-UNED Costa Rica. Master en TeologíaPastoral-Universidad Adventista de Centroamérica-Costa Rica. Master enAdministración de Negocios-Suthern Adventist University, USA. Master enContabilidad con mención en Auditoria (Universidad Inca Garcilazo de la Vega,Perú. Contador Público, Universidad Nacional Hermilio Valdizan-Huánuco.Administrador de Empresas – Universidad Adventista de Centroamérica,Costa Rica. Coordinador Facultad de Ciencias Empresariales-UPeU filial Tarapoto. DocenteUniversitario en UPeU (Perú), Universidad Adventista de Colombia (Colombia), UniversidadAdventista de Bolivia (Bolivia) y Universidad Adventista de Centroamérica (Costa Rica). Expositorde temas profesionales y de motivación en varios países de Indo América. Autor de 7 libros, elúltimo por editorial IDEAS: Si eres pobre no culpes a Dios


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How to Cite

Santos Gutierrez, E. D. (2016). Values as a result of the God-man and business conduct. Apuntes Universitarios, 6(2), 125–145.