Questionnaire on Attitudes vis-a-vis Situations of Aggression. Preliminary results of their adaptation to the school environment




Attitudes, Situations of Aggression, Education, School


The Argentine Questionnaire on Attitudes vis-a-vis Situations of Aggression(Moreno y Pereyra, 2000) was adapted to the educational environment. For its preliminary validation, 143 Argentine teachers participated. The items turned out to be discriminative and they were grouped, based on a Factorial Exploratory Analysis, into three dimensions that are related to the theory: Passivity (α = .90), Aggressiveness (α = .95) and Prosocial behavior (α = .92). The constructive validity was also tested by analyzing the hypothesis that confirms teachers with a high level of burnout syndrome have a greater tendency to behave negatively when faced with situations of aggression in the classroom context. These results were also related to the theory (p< .001). Based on these analyses, it is concluded that the preliminary version of the instrument is apt for submission to psychometric studies of a more rigorous nature and wider.


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Author Biography

Verónica Caminos, Universidad Adventista del Plata

Licenciada en Psicología. Centro de Asesoramiento Estudiantil - Universidad Adventista del Plata. Centro de Salud Municipal. Libertador San Martín. Entre Ríos. Argentina


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How to Cite

Caminos, V., & Oros, L. B. (2017). Questionnaire on Attitudes vis-a-vis Situations of Aggression. Preliminary results of their adaptation to the school environment. Apuntes Universitarios, 7(1), 47–66.