The use of translation transformations in different styles of the English language for teaching written translation




Philological education, Translation technique, Higher education, Professional competence, Translation studies


The aim of the article was to study of the effectiveness of translation transformations when training translators for written translation in different styles. The research involved the method of expert evaluations. The following methods were used for the analysis of statistical data: correlation analysis was carried out; the mean square deviation and the linear correlation coefficient were calculated. The correlation coefficient was as follows: for the cognitive criterion — 0.88; for the activity criterion — 0.84; for the personal criterion — 0.91; for the discursive criterion — 0.89. The coefficients obtained on the basis of the Chaddock’s table exceed 0.7, so the strength of correlation between the analysed parameters is high. The root mean square deviation sx was found to be1.63. The root mean square deviation sy for the cognitive criterion was 0.26, for the activity criterion — 0.17, for the personal criterion — 0.16, for the discursive criterion — 0.25. The positive impact of working with complex cases of the use of translation transformations on the students’ academic performance was established in the course of the study.


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How to Cite

Alieva, M. ., Godis, Y. ., Lazurenko, I. ., Konopelkina, H. ., & Lytvynko, O. . (2023). The use of translation transformations in different styles of the English language for teaching written translation. Apuntes Universitarios, 13(3), 92–104.