The essence and peculiarities of the implementation of the concept of flexicurity in Ukraine




Flexicurity, Flexibility, Security, Social welfare


The challenges of the modern world led to changes in business organization, including forms of labor organization. The use of flexible forms has become a modern tool for human resource management in a changing environment. The concept of flexicurity has been used in European countries for a long time. This study employed the methods of bibliographic analysis VosViewer and Google Trends to investigate issues related to flexible employment policies from three primary perspectives: a) institutional (where the state plays a central role in labor market regulation); b) anti-crisis (implies implementing flexible employment policies in response to economic crises and the efforts of employers to reduce personnel costs); and c) corporate (which focuses on employee needs and corporate social responsibility). Furthermore, modern approaches used in developed countries for implementing flexible employment policies under the concept of flexicurity were analyzed and summarized in a matrix. This analysis provides valuable insights for future research in Ukraine, including regulatory and legal provision of non-standard forms of employment such as freelancing, crowdsourcing, and self-employment; the development of strategies to attract non-standard forms of employment those categories of the population that cannot compete on the labor market (people with limited opportunities, young people who are looking for work for the first time, women with children, people of retirement age); the use of flexible forms of employment for a large number of internally displaced persons who have left their homes and refugees, which will reduce the unemployment rate in the country.


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How to Cite

Sotnikova, Y., Nazarova, G., Churkin, A. ., & Baliasnyi, V. (2023). The essence and peculiarities of the implementation of the concept of flexicurity in Ukraine. Apuntes Universitarios, 13(4), 88–98.