Research praxis: a phenomenological analysis from the perspective of thesis students
Research, thesis, consultancy, university, hermeneutics.Abstract
Both teachers and students are required to investigate. Knowing what and how it is investigated, how students assume the research process is of the utmost importance to undertake improvement plans. Therefore, the purpose of the article is to interpret the perceptions of the students of the Professional School of Primary Education, belonging to the Hermilio Valdizan de Huánuco National University, about their praxis in the preparation of the thesis. The research is framed in the interpretive paradigm, qualitative methodological perspective, hermeneutic phenomenological method. The information was collected through the in-depth interview, which allowed the configuration of a scheme of categories and subcategories of the investigative praxis of the students. The results show that investigative praxis is a complex process that involves a set of elements to be taken into consideration, highlighting the factors for the development of investigative praxis, institutional context, experiences in the research process and the role of the research advisor. . The investigative praxis of university students is a scientific activity that is conditioned to the development of investigative skills from the family, educational environment and the facilities and opportunities that universities can provide.Downloads
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