Educational integration of forcibly displaced persons in the EU countries




European Union, Ukraine, adaptation, integration, foreign language, culture shock.


The aim of this work was to study the policy of the EU member states on the educational integration of forcibly displaced persons from Ukraine and to identify its consequences. Interviews were conducted with forcibly displaced persons from Ukraine to six EU countries. The School Motivation Questionnaire, by Luskanova, and the Phillips’ School Anxiety Scale were used. The hosting countries have got not only an additional burden of organizing and providing asylum, but also additional human capital that can contribute to their economic development in the future. Therefore, the issue of rapid adaptation of forcibly displaced persons and their integration into the education of the host countries is important. It was found that all EU countries have taken measures to provide protection to Ukrainian citizens and their children. Many countries have created the proper conditions for rapid educational integration. The main obstacle on this way is lack of knowledge of the language of the host country, which are overcome through intensive language courses, the provision of translators, as well as the creation of Ukrainian-language classes with a gradual transition to teaching in the language of the host country.


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How to Cite

Zvarych, I. ., Маrushkevych А. ., Yuvkovetska, Y. ., Poliak, O. ., Levytska, L. ., & Grynevych, O. . (2022). Educational integration of forcibly displaced persons in the EU countries. Apuntes Universitarios, 13(1), 301–318.