Investigation of the effects of STEM activities on STEM attitude in gifted students




STEM, gifted students, attitude, explanatory sequential mixed design, STEM achievement


The effect of STEM activities on gifted students' STEM attitude and STEM achievement were examined in the current study. The participants are 23 gifted students studying at the Science and Art Center in the 2020-2021 academic year. The activities were completed in 54 lesson hours within the framework of the engineering design process. The method of the research was determined as explanatory sequential mixed design. A single group experimental design was used as a quantitative method and the case study was used as a qualitative method. Data were collected with the STEM attitude scale (SAS), and a semi-structured student interview form in the case study. At the end of the STEM activities, students’ achievement was evaluated with the STEM assessment rubric (SAR). As a result, there was a significant difference between students' STEM attitude pretest and posttest mean scores after the STEM application. The STEM attitude did not differ significantly according to gender and grade level, while there was a statistically significant difference in favor of gifted female students in the sub-dimension of engineering and technology. According to the opinions of gifted students, it has been understood that STEM applications improved students' attitudes and their 21st century skills.


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How to Cite

Kocaman, B. . (2022). Investigation of the effects of STEM activities on STEM attitude in gifted students. Apuntes Universitarios, 13(1), 1–29.