Children’s literature research: receptive-aesthetic aspect




children, reading, communication, children's literature, youth literature, reading comprehension, receptive aesthetics


This article, within the “author-text-reader” communication paradigm, considers the category of child-reader and the specificity of reception as the perspective of the study of children's literature, in the interpretation of the poetics of the text. For this reason, the perspective of using the ideas of phenomenological reception in relation to texts aimed at young readers is analyzed. The possibility of using Umberto Eco's theories about the exemplary reader, and Roland Barthes's ideas about the pleasure and enjoyment of reading in the process of analyzing children's literature has been clarified. On the example of modern Ukrainian prose, it was shown how the implementation of the author's textual strategies influenced the formation of thematic and gender trends in children's literature, given the type of reception of young readers. And the results of an empirical study, involving 137 active readers from libraries in Ivano-Frankivsk (Ukraine), reveal the interests of the recipients, the horizons of expectations and the characteristics of the emotional perception of the text by modern children. from 12 to 15 years.


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How to Cite

Kachak, T. ., Blyznyuk, T. ., Krul, L. ., Voloshchuk, H. ., & Lytvyn, N. . (2022). Children’s literature research: receptive-aesthetic aspect. Apuntes Universitarios, 12(3), 76–93.

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