The effect of perceived social media marketing activities on brand loyalty




Palabras clave: redes sociais, atividades de marketing, lealtad a la marca, conocimiento de la marca


Social media marketing programs typically focus on creating content that will capture audiences’ attention on those platforms and encourage readers to share it across social media. The subject of this research was to investigate the impact of perceived social media marketing activities on brand loyalty. In this research, the researcher seeks to investigate the perceived impact of social media marketing activities and we intend to identify the factors affecting brand loyalty in the social security organization. Because in this research, the study of documents, articles, theses, and various books was used, and in addition, a questionnaire was also used. It can be concluded that this research is a descriptive survey in terms of its nature and method. In this research, the statistical population is based on Morgan's table and the sample size is 384 people. To analyze research data in the inferential statistics section of the Structural equation modelling technique with partial least square (PLS) approach has been used. The results of the research showed that marketing Social media has had a positive and significant effect on brand loyalty, brand awareness and value awareness. In addition, brand awareness has had a significant positive effect on brand loyalty; finally, the mediating role of brand awareness in the effect of social media marketing had a positive and significant effect on brand loyalty.


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