Digital skills and teaching performance in the communication area of secondary education, in times of pandemic




skills, digital, performance, teacher, communication, computing, education.


The objective of this research was to analyze how the digital skills of teachers in the communication course in high school generated learning in times of pandemic. The qualitative approach was applied as a methodology, based on the socio-critical interpretive model and grounded theory design, well-founded, using the semi-structured interview with a sample of three teachers from the area of communication, six students and six parents of the third and fourth grades, through the a priori matrix and triangulation. The results show that the government provision for remote work, the educational community received it very dissatisfied, since there were no conditions to face a remote education, whose face-to-face separation implied putting digital skills into practice, with teachers finding themselves at the basic level with step to intermediate, thanks to their self-training and training, achieving not very satisfactory learning, because several students had little use of the cell phone, limited internet, others did not have, some climbed the trees or highest hills in their area, or they were developing the reprints satisfactorily. On the other hand, parents expressed that this pandemic doubled their responsibilities towards their children. In conclusion, learning in the area of communication is linked to digital skills with the student's available material, otherwise, learning is weakened in distance education, so it is time to promote challenges in the face of digital literacy.


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How to Cite

Torres Inga, L. A. ., Huamán Ramos, L. ., Amancio Anzuhueldo, A. M. . ., & Sánchez Díaz, S. . (2021). Digital skills and teaching performance in the communication area of secondary education, in times of pandemic. Apuntes Universitarios, 12(1), 190–206.