Disruptive education: New challenges in the training of social researchers in pandemic and social distancing contexts





Disruptive education, research strategies, social distancing, researcher training.


Undoubtedly, the health emergency and social distancing has directly affected the training processes of researchers, as well as the application of research strategies, mainly in the field of social sciences, where the relationship and interaction in research processes are an important aspect. In this context, the objective of this study was to determine possible investigative strategies that allow to contribute strengthening scientific research processes in times of pandemic and social distancing in the Social Sciences. The work is based on the interpretive naturalistic paradigm, with a qualitative research approach. Among the main findings, the diversity of definitions stands out regarding disruptive education, in relation to the training of researchers, it is evident that individual and group strategies are used that allow strengthening their investigative competences, in relation to investigative strategies they have generated and adapted new strategies because of the COVID-19 pandemic. From disruptive education, it is concluded that there are new challenges in the training of researchers and the management of new investigation strategies, in times of pandemic and social distancing.


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How to Cite

Ocampo-Eyzaguirre, D. ., Sucari, W. ., Anaya, J. ., Medina, R. ., & Zuñiga-Sánchez, H. . (2021). Disruptive education: New challenges in the training of social researchers in pandemic and social distancing contexts. Apuntes Universitarios, 12(1), 75–91. https://doi.org/10.17162/au.v11i5.916