Josep Stalin and his epoch as perceived by modern young people




Russia, Stalin, “Stalin era”, communism, Russian history, USSR


The objective of the paper was to find out particularities of the way how I. V. Stalin's personality and controversial role in Russian history are perceived by modern young people. The principal method of this research was that of survey; it enabled the authors to consider the subject problem in an integrated way within the general context of everyday life history and the shared value set of the contemporary Russian society. The survey was conducted at the end of 2020 – beginning of 2021 among young students aged 15 to 18 (schoolchildren, vocational college students, and the university ones) in Saransk, Republic of Mordovia. In the course of the survey, the young people's evaluation of I. V. Stalin's person and activity was found to remain controversial, yet with a clear trend of positive views prevailing. The said trend is a representation of public opinion on this question current in the entire Russian society, with the latter basically characterized by the lack of consensus on a number of tough political and ideological topics. Materials of the paper are of practical importance for tailoring youth policy in the sphere of civic and patriotic education.


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How to Cite

E. Goryachev, N. ., V. Martynenko, A. ., & D. Nadkin, T. . (2021). Josep Stalin and his epoch as perceived by modern young people. Apuntes Universitarios, 11(4), 560–578.