Technology of forming students’ self-organization in teaching foreign languages




Self-organization, synergy, self-control, self-regulation, technology, teaching, foreign languages.


This paper examines the structure, criteria of self-organization, synergetic conditions and theoretical description of the authors’ technology in the process of teaching foreign languages at technical institute. To achieve this goal, a set of scientific methods: theoretical analysis of papers on the problem; diagnostic and statistical methods to process data and results of pedagogic observation of forming students’ self-organization competences were applied. The novelty of the authors’ flexible technology is based on personal-oriented education and synergetic methodology to meet modern education requirements to a person’s sustainable development in education environment. The results contribute to synergetic methodology of forming self-organization and didactic aspects of teaching foreign languages. Statistically verified data confirm appearance of students’ self-organization competency. The efficiency of authors’ technology is proved experimentally. Implications for conceptualization and measurement of self-organization are determined. In this context, the study has a theoretical foundation and practical application.


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How to Cite

A. Dmitrienko, N. ., & L. Kutsova, E. (2021). Technology of forming students’ self-organization in teaching foreign languages. Apuntes Universitarios, 11(4), 466 486.