Digital competences and resilience: a theoretical review focused on teachers




Digital Competences; Digital Empowerment; Remote Education; Resilience; Virtual education.


Digital competences and resilience are functional skills or capacities for technological humanization and emotional support to integrate into digital citizenship. In the educational field, exclusively, in the teaching staff they serve as sustainable tools for virtual education. The objective of the research is to review the fundamentals of digital skills and resilience. The methodology is qualitative, of a narrative literature review type. We reviewed 101 articles, of which we compiled 49 scientific documents under selection criteria from the theoretical, empirical and systematic literature. The results conclude that digital competences focus on Connectivism as Digital Constructivism, in which it is understood that teachers know and use the media and information of the networks to carry out training processes. On the other hand, the humanist and ecological theory of resilience establishes it as the teacher´s competence to overcome weaknesses and increase strengths in their virtual task.


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How to Cite

Holguin-Alvarez, J. ., Rodríguez Rojas, M. ., Romero-Hermoza, R. M. ., Ledesma-Pérez, F. ., & Cruz-Montero, J. . (2021). Digital competences and resilience: a theoretical review focused on teachers. Apuntes Universitarios, 11(4), 269–295.