A socio-educational study on the evaluation of economic growth in selected countries





Agriculture Policies, Agricultural employment, Economic Growth, Panel ARDL, social study.


The agricultural sector, which has a wide range of economic and social effects, it has a strategic importance due to national income, employment, consumption expenditures, raw material supply to other sectors and its share in exports. In this context, this paper revisits the debate on the role of agriculture in promoting economic growth in a selection of selected agricultural countries.  This study analyzes the links between agriculture variables and gross domestic product growth with the help of cointegration test, Autoregressive Distributed Lag Limit Test (ARDL) approach for the relevant period, Augmented Dicky Fuller (ADF) and PP test (PMG). The results show that the sustainable increase in agricultural income positively changes national income and is the driving force of growth; strong evidence was found showing that the increase in the agricultural workforce decreases the national income in the long term. This strong evidence supports the agro-growth hypothesis that shows that; in recent years, discussions on the relationship between the concept of sustainable growth and agricultural policy have become more prominent. For this reason, it is recommended that more and more countries contribute to solving economic growth problems by following and applying agricultural productivity methods.


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How to Cite

Çanakcı, M. . (2021). A socio-educational study on the evaluation of economic growth in selected countries. Apuntes Universitarios, 11(4), 229–249. https://doi.org/10.17162/au.v11i4.769