Evaluation of pre-service teachers' views regarding the use of museums as an educational environment





Museum education, pre-museum activities, during museum activities, post-museum activities, case study, pre-service teachers’ views.


In this study, pre-service teachers’ views about the use of museums as an educational environment were evaluated. The research was carried out with case study design, one of the qualitative methods. Pre-service teachers (n = 35) were the subjects of the study. In the first phase, the views of the pre-service teachers about the teaching activities before, during and after the museum training were taken. In the second phase, museum education activities were implemented to pre-service teachers in classroom and St. Barnabas Archeology and Icon Museum (Cyprus) for 4 weeks. At the last stage, it was tried to reveal the effectiveness of the training by re-evaluating the views of the pre-service teachers about the activities carried out in the museum. As a result, the pre-service teachers stated that after the training, they had information about what activities they could do before, during and after the museum education.


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How to Cite

Islek, D. . (2021). Evaluation of pre-service teachers’ views regarding the use of museums as an educational environment. Apuntes Universitarios, 11(4), 17–39. https://doi.org/10.17162/au.v11i4.758

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