Formative research in initial teacher training
Formative research, initial teacher training, perceptions, definitions, scientific method, pedagogy, education.Abstract
Formative research (FI) has aroused great interest in the academic community because it uses the scientific method as a means for the teacher in training to assume research as part of their training process that allows them to reflect on their pedagogical practice, test alternative solutions in the educational field and make pedagogical decisions based on evidence, improving their educational work, as stated by López et al. But at present it has not been possible to associate FI with the pedagogical dimension, and this due to the defining void that does not differentiate it from the research itself, generating confusion in the teacher-trainers. In this sense, the present systematic review article aims to know the perceptions on which formative research is being developed in pedagogical institutes and schools, and for this, 42 articles were analyzed as a result of critical analysis through the LcotAC instrument. The perceptions found about FI show that they are not aligned with the pedagogical, but with the fulfillment of educational policies and the training of researchers. The present study could also note some definitions proposed by the authors about FI oriented to the production of less strict knowledge and one that considers the objectives of the subjects, among which Sánchez-Carlessi stands out. Finally, this study proposes a comprehensive definition that will help to identify the nature and essence of FI.Downloads
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