Gender and social relations approach in the social learning of secondary school students




focus, gender, relationships, social, learning


This research sought to determine the influence of the gender approach and social relations on the social learning of fifth-year students at the Francisco Bolognesi School. The hypothesis stated that there was a significant influence of the gender approach and social relations on students' social learning. The methodology was based on a quantitative approach with a non-experimental design of correlational-causal level. The sample was 142 students. The survey technique was used and the instruments were 3 questionnaires. The result of the hypothesis test determined that social learning depends 20.8% on the use of the gender approach and social relations in students, the Chi-square value is 23.6 and p. value is equal to 0.000 against the statistical significance α equal to 0.05, meaning rejection of the null hypothesis. It was concluded that the gender focus and social relations in social learning are in a trend of achievement, representing a significant influence in the social learning of fifth year students of the Francisco Bolognesi School. The results will serve to improve learning from an inclusive and social vision in the educational field.


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How to Cite

Ricaldi Ricaldi, M. G. ., Sánchez Díaz, S. ., & Subiría Rodríguez, M. E. . (2020). Gender and social relations approach in the social learning of secondary school students. Apuntes Universitarios, 10(4), 89–107.