Application of the EduScrum methodology for the development of innovation projects in university students




Eduscrum, education, innovation, learning, methodology.


Given the need for problem solving in the development of innovation projects, the research seeks to determine the influence of EduScrum as a working method and approach from a set of activities or tasks for the solution of a complex problem in University students. National Education (UNE). The research emphasizes cooperative student learning as a tool to pursue common goals. It is a quantitative, experimental study with a quasi-experimental design. The treatment was applied to 9 teams with 38 students and the results were compared with 10 teams of 40 students for the control group. From the results obtained, it is determined that the EduScrum application is viable to carry out academic activities that require the development of projects as part of the practice in one or more subjects, it significantly influences the considerable improvement in the development of innovation projects.


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How to Cite

Hermitaño Atencio, B. C. ., Ortiz Vergara, M. W. ., Chirinos Armas, D. R. ., & Armas Castañeda, R. M. . (2022). Application of the EduScrum methodology for the development of innovation projects in university students . Apuntes Universitarios, 12(4), 346–365.