Adventist education and its reason for being


  • Oscar Mendoza Orbegoso Universidad Peruana Unión



Biblical apocalyptics, adventist education, three angels messages, Second coming


The biblical apocalyptic vision has given the Seventh-day Adventist Church identity and relevance; without it, Seventh-Day Adventism would’n be the same. However, in recent decades, many have denied or have had a passive attitude towards this vision, both at the level of church and educational institutions (including schools, colleges and universities). This allows us to reflect whether its functions as an educational system is being fulfilled, and how relevant the apocalyptic vision remains in the Adventist Education


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Author Biography

Oscar Mendoza Orbegoso, Universidad Peruana Unión

Bachiller en Teología por la Universidad Peruana Unión. Ha publicado varios artículos tanto en revistas teológicas como en libros especializados


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Schwarz, R y Greenleaf, F. (2002). Portadores de luz: Historia de la Iglesia Adventista del Séptimo Día, trad. Rolando Itin y Tulio Peverini. Buenos Aires: Asociación Casa Editora Sudamericana. Seventh- Day Adventists (1957). Answer: Questions on Doctrine. Washington, DC: Review and Herald.

Timm, A. (1995). The Sanctuary and the Three Angels’ Messages, 1844-1863: Integrating Factors in the Development of Seventh-day Adventist Doctrines. PhD dissertation, Andrews University.

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White, E. (1958). Selected Messages, 03 vols. Washington, DC: Review and Herald, 2:117-118.

White, E. (2012). Testimonios, vol. 3. Washington, DC: White Estate.



How to Cite

Mendoza Orbegoso, O. (2016). Adventist education and its reason for being. Apuntes Universitarios, 6(1), 23–32.