Socio-environmental perception of the oil spill on the Peruvian coast in 2022




Oil spill, Socio-environmental, Environmental damage, Marine coastline, Artisanal fishermen


The oil spill that occurred on January 15, 2022, at the maritime terminal of the La Pampilla refinery, managed by the Repsol company, has caused various environmental impacts on the Peruvian coast, affecting habitats and hydrobiological resources. In addition, it has affected social problems among the inhabitants who reside in the coastal areas. This research aimed to analyze the population's perception of the socio-environmental situation caused by the oil spill on the Peruvian coast. The research was quantitative approach. 1554 residents of Ancón, Santa Rosa, Ventanilla, and Aucallama were surveyed, applying a validated instrument of 21 questions, which used 8 items for the study. The results showed that the oil spill produced a) feelings of outrage, b) the exclusion of marine products from the diet, c) the intention to protest against those responsible for the oil spill if a march was called, and d) that the citizen is important to compensate environmental damage. Although it was also considered e) as improbable any family visit to the affected beaches, f) the negative impact on the health of the resident population and attention to their most urgent needs, and g) the high level of environmental awareness shown by those affected.


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How to Cite

Pulido Capurro, V., Olivera Carhuaz, E., Katayama Omura, R., Arana Bustamante, C., & Riveros Salcedo, J. (2023). Socio-environmental perception of the oil spill on the Peruvian coast in 2022. Apuntes Universitarios, 13(3), 22–31.

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