School Administrators’ and Teachers’ Views on Change Fatigue: Turkish Educational System Case




Change, Fatigue, School administrator, Teacher


The main purpose of this study was to determine school administrators and teachers’ views on change fatique in education. The research was conducted with a qualitative research method. The study employed a phenomenological research design. The participants of the research were 10 school administrators and 15 teachers determined with purposive sampling technique. The data were collected with semi-structured interview technique and analyzed with content analysis technique. In this process, main themes, sub-themes and codes were developed. The research results revealed that both school administrators and teachers have experienced too many changes without getting informed, prepared, trained and motivated accordingly. These frequent changes create change fatigue, pressure and stress on both school administrators and teachers. In addition, as they do not participate in decision-making process of these changes, they are not implementing these decisions willingly. It is recommended that school administrators and teachers should participate in decisions, be supported, informed and trained about the change process.


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How to Cite

Balyer, A., & Özcan, K. (2024). School Administrators’ and Teachers’ Views on Change Fatigue: Turkish Educational System Case. Apuntes Universitarios, 14(1), 19–33.