Psychological challenges of distance learning in higher education in Ukraine during the COVID-19 pandemic: innovative potential, dilemmas on the way




Psychological challenges, Distance education, Mental health, Digital diet, Psychological resourcefulness


In the face the COVID-19 global pandemic and the introduction of distance education have actualized psychological problems, the purpose of the article is to analyze the psychological challenges of distance learning, to determine the innovative potential of ways to overcome them. Theoretical pedagogical research methods (analysis, synthesis, induction, and deduction), modeling method, predictive method was used to write the article. The work is based on the principles of concretization, systematicity, objectivity, and scientificity. The results analyze the effectiveness of means of overcoming the psychological overload of students and teachers because these phenomena have common roots. The main attention is paid to creative ways to overcome fears and insecurities. The concept of psychological resourcefulness was also investigated. The use of digital hygiene method as a part of the confrontation with psychological challenges is justified. The economic causes of stressful situations in students are also highlighted. The conclusions summarized that the effective means for confronting psychological challenges are students' treatment of self-organization and self-help, increasing the level of real self-esteem, self-reflection over life goals, and understanding the needs of psychological help.


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How to Cite

Ovdiyenko, I., Chausova, T., Brukhovetska, O., Verbytska, L., & Gorova, O. (2023). Psychological challenges of distance learning in higher education in Ukraine during the COVID-19 pandemic: innovative potential, dilemmas on the way. Apuntes Universitarios, 13(2), 90–110.