Information and communication technologies in times of pandemic at the higher level: a systematic review




Education, technology, communication technology, telematics, pandemic, COVID-19.


The purpose of the study is to systematically review and analyze the contributions of scientific articles related to information and communication technologies in times of pandemic in teachers and students of higher education in the countries of Europe and America covering the years 2020 to 2021. There is a need to continue the use of strategies in teaching and learning in times of COVID-19. As for the methodology used, the guidelines of the PRISMA guide were followed. The results obtained, took into account database articles from Scopus, SciELO, ProQuest, Web of Science, the search was done between the months of November to December 2021 and the first weeks of January 2022 and the findings found were referred to three categories digital competences, didactic tools and emotional aspects. The conclusion was that ICT in the teaching-learning process at the higher level was one of the most important means to develop the sessions, teachers used various strategies, students developed virtual classes and research, where the use of technology was not covered 100% due to the problem of the COVID-19 pandemic and many students did not have connectivity.


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How to Cite

Mejía- Campó, N. ., Huayta-Franco, Y. J., & Torres- Bernal, R. . (2022). Information and communication technologies in times of pandemic at the higher level: a systematic review. Apuntes Universitarios, 13(1), 380–397.