College stress in virtual environment during COVID-19: A mental health problem




Coping, COVID-19, virtual environment, academic stress, psychology, university


The aim of the study was to determine university stress in a virtual environment during COVID-19. The approach was quantitative, descriptive-correlational design, conducted in 194 students of a public university in Peru, who were administered the online survey of Academic Stress SISCO SV adapted to the context. The prevailing level of university stress is moderate in 62.9%, and severe in 33.5%. According to dimensions it is moderate in stressors with 51%, symptoms 44.8% and coping strategies 63.4%. Statistically, the nonparametric Spearman's Rho test showed a positive and statistically significant correlation of .523 between the variables academic stress and forms of coping. Likewise, between symptoms and academic stressors of .604. The most relevant stressors were competitiveness among classmates and overload of virtual work, reflected by symptoms that can have repercussions on mental health, while the forms of coping were of concern, the most used being listening to music and the least used being physical exercise. These results may justify preventive interventions by academic authorities in the face of adversity to mitigate stress in university students.


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How to Cite

Esteves Villanueva, A. R. ., Hañari Mormontoy, J. O. ., Ramos Turpo, M. ., & Incacutipa Limachi, D. J. . (2022). College stress in virtual environment during COVID-19: A mental health problem. Apuntes Universitarios, 12(4), 366–378.