Examining the effect of child labor on school-aged children’s access to education in Turkey





childhood, work, school education, child labor, family.


The main objective of this qualitative research is to analyze the situation of child labor in Turkey and, as a result, the access of these children to basic human rights education. This research was conducted with the historical/document analysis technique, one of the qualitative research methods. To this end, the statistics prepared by the Turkish Statistical Institute and the Ministry of National Education were analyzed. It was concluded that child labor is widespread in Turkey, as in the whole world. The main causes of child labor are poverty, migration, cheap labor and the need for domestic workers. It was concluded that the majority of child workers are out of education and have to work without education to contribute to the family budget. One of the reasons for their lack of education is the traditional point of view. The low level of schooling in education systems and insufficient capacity in education are among the factors that cause child labor, that is way education is seen as a costly and unprofitable waste of time.


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How to Cite

Bayram, A. . (2022). Examining the effect of child labor on school-aged children’s access to education in Turkey. Apuntes Universitarios, 12(4), 296–320. https://doi.org/10.17162/au.v12i4.1248