Randon response model on the sexual behavior and alcohol consumption of students from a public university, Lima-Peru
Sexuality, alcoholism, university, education, addiction, drug addiction, adolescence.Abstract
The objective of this research was to identify the sexual behavior and alcohol consumption of university students enrolled in the Faculty of Mathematical Sciences (FCM) of a public university, during the first semester of the 2016 academic year. The random response model was used. This study was developed within a quantitative, non-experimental, cross-sectional design approach because it was aimed at a defined moment and time, the first semester of 2016. The sample design that was obtained was the stratified random sample, for the calculation of the sample size an estimation error limit of 0.05 and a confidence level of 95% were used, and the information of the students provided by the head of enrollment of the FCM, the sample size was 306 students. Using the model proposed by Odumade & Singh, the random mechanism of two decks of cards was used. Among the results we have that 57% of the interviewees state that they have had intercourse without using preservatives, 51% express that they have consumed alcoholic beverages to the point of intoxication, 46% reveal that they have had sexual intercourse after consuming alcoholic and the 41% of those interviewed declare that they have had unprotected sexual relations after consuming alcoholic beverages.Downloads
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Copyright (c) 2022 Olga Solano Dávila, José Ernaú Huamán, Doris Gómez Ticerán, Félix Bartolo Gotarate, Blanca Martinez Portuguez, Daniel Bolaños Solano
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