Reflecting on interpersonal competences from the university research task




Higher scientific education; Education and training; skill development; competition for life.


The imprint of university education highlights investigative pedagogical experiences that lead to relating to the other in the context. From this need, this article aims to analyze the influence of interpersonal skills in research classes to strengthen learning environments with empathetic and committed participation as the basis of professional leadership. The methodological handle has been with a mixed design of a descriptive type, with an exploratory nature. 233 students and 33 undergraduate teachers from the last courses of some careers in the university setting participated. The results obtained reveal between low and medium levels of achievement of response criteria in the face of the link between theory and practice. It is concluded that the investigative action requires promoting activities that enhance and promote knowledge management together with interpersonal skills that contribute to community feelings of future professionals.


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How to Cite

Guzmán Huayamave, K. . (2022). Reflecting on interpersonal competences from the university research task. Apuntes Universitarios, 12(3), 397–411.

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