Analysis of determinants of social entrepreneurship in young university students




social entrepreneurship, factors, profile, young people, universities, business.


In recent years, social entrepreneurship has positioned itself as an alternative for development, the generation of wealth and the reduction of collective problems; thus, universities have explored how to incorporate this issue as a transversal competence in the plans and programs of study. In this research, a diagnosis of determining factors of social entrepreneurship in young university students in Mexico was carried out, with which it was possible to identify areas of opportunity to strengthen from the university the social entrepreneurial profile of students and graduates. The methodology was quantitative, correlational in scope and non-experimental. An 80-item survey was designed and validated using Cronbach's alpha reliability index (.937). This survey was applied to an incidental sample of 966 young people enrolled in 64 universities in Mexico.  The results point to the importance of endogenous factors, such as control and autonomy, for the determination of the social entrepreneurial profile of young university students; it was also determined that neither exogenous factors nor sociodemographic characteristics showed a significant correlation with the social entrepreneurial profile. The conclusions highlight the need to strengthen human and personal development skills (endogenous) from universities for the development of a social entrepreneurial profile.


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How to Cite

Caldera González, D. del C. ., Velázquez Sagahón, F. J., & Zárate Negrete, L. E. . (2022). Analysis of determinants of social entrepreneurship in young university students. Apuntes Universitarios, 12(3), 326–348.