A reading of conflict: fantastic concepts and cultural influence of the cutlers in four stories by Jorge Luis Borges





Jorge Luis Borges, literature, conflict, fantastic literature, narrative, reading, cutlers


The recognition of the work of Jorge Luis Borges as cosmopolitan has led many of his readers and critics to value him only as a universal writer, but not as a nationalist. However, much of Borges's narrative is influenced not only by Western culture, but also by the River Plate culture of the shores. With the theoretical contributions on fantastic literature from critics such as Tzvetan Todorov, Jaime Alazraki and Emir Rodríguez Monegal, the stories The Circular Ruins and The Secret Miracle are analyzed in this essay, with the aim of evidencing the Western influence on the Borgean narrative. Likewise, taking into account the studies on the life and work of Borges carried out by Beatriz Sarlo and Mario Vargas Llosa, this study analyzes the stories El fin and El Sur in order to highlight the cultural influence of the River Plate, specifically that of the cutlers. In sum, this double analysis leads to a reading of conflict that allows to reflect on the conflictive cultural duality that Borges experienced at the time of creating his literature, a conflict that is a fundamental piece to value the Argentine writer in all his dimension: as cosmopolitan and nationalist at the same time.


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How to Cite

Manrique Rabelo, C. M. . (2022). A reading of conflict: fantastic concepts and cultural influence of the cutlers in four stories by Jorge Luis Borges. Apuntes Universitarios, 12(3), 117–128. https://doi.org/10.17162/au.v12i3.1106

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