Mario Vargas Llosa's concept of Literature: an approximation




Mario Vargas Llosa, literature, fiction, referentiality, theory of the novel, Gabriel Garcia Marquez.


The present article aims to establish the concept of literature in the thinking of the writer Mario Vargas Llosa. To this end, some of the essays where the writer raises definitions, inferences, deductions and approximations regarding this concept have been reviewed. This study works from a perspective on the definition of the concept of literature of the writer as creator rather than theoretical. The sense that is given to this concept within the aesthetic line is fixed. Some of the studies analyzed for this task are constituted by the followings works: La literatura es fuego; Historia secreta de una novela, Cartas a un joven novelista; the thesis Gabriel García Márquez: historia de un deicidio and La orgía perpetua (Flaubert y Madame Bovary). From these texts we will propose an approximate definition of the concept of literature based on the thought of Mario Vargas Llosa.


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How to Cite

Rivas Sucari, H. C. ., Rodríguez Eguizabal, J. L. ., Flores Núñez, A. M. ., Medina Gamero, A. R. ., & Almirón Quispesivana, F. . (2022). Mario Vargas Llosa’s concept of Literature: an approximation. Apuntes Universitarios, 12(2), 233–250.