Hybrid classrooms: The new normality for Higher Education since Covid-19
Hybrid classrooms, virtual education, new normality, higher education, flexibility, pandemic, information.Abstract
The purpose of the article was to carry out an analysis of the incorporation of the hybrid classroom method to the new changes produced in higher education from the new normal, as a result of the experience lived by the Covid-19 pandemic. The methodology adopted was the narrative review, for which various bibliographic sources on the subject were used, using search engines and databases such as Scopus, Web of Science, Scielo, and Redalyc. It was concluded that higher education institutions should orient their capacities and performance to new learning opportunities through hybrid classrooms, improving the teaching profile according to the demands of this model, fundamentally with respect to the management of information and communication technologies, which allows channeling a motivating and committed attitude to change.Downloads
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Copyright (c) 2022 Milagritos Josefina Saavedra Jaramillo de Sedamano, Cecilia Caridad Saavedra Jaramillo, Cristian Medina Sotelo, Manuel Alberto Sedamano Ballesteros, Delma Inés Saavedra Jaramillo
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