Emotional intelligence as an effective tool for improving job performance in public officials: A review





emotional intelligence; job performance; job stress; coping strategies; public servant.


The purpose of this research was to gather information on studies developed on emotional intelligence as an effective tool for improving work performance in employees serving in an organization. A search was carried out in the Scopus and ScienceDirect databases, and 18 original articles were selected, which were published within the last six years. The results show that emotional intelligence applied as a strategic tool improves the performance of workers in the positions they hold; in addition, several studies show a positive relationship between emotional intelligence and job performance. Finally, it is concluded that emotional intelligence has positioned itself as one of the most indispensable elements within the work environment, since it not only keeps the personnel motivated, but also improves the work environment and enables the employee to interact healthily with the members of the organization.


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How to Cite

Diaz Ortiz, E. M. ., & Chávarry Ysla, P. del R. . (2022). Emotional intelligence as an effective tool for improving job performance in public officials: A review. Apuntes Universitarios, 12(2), 97–113. https://doi.org/10.17162/au.v12i2.1035