Focus and scope
The research journal Apuntes Universitarios (AU) is an official publication of the Universidad Peruana Unión (UPeU).
It is an academic publication that is peer-reviewed, published every three months, intended for worldwide distribution, indexed in EBSCO Education Source, REDALYC, PROQUEST, Latindex Catalog, DIALNET, ESCI WoS under Sherpa / Romeo color green criteria.
AU is distributed in print and in an electronic version, with free full text access.
AU publishes research articles and contributions to the discussion of educational problems and the humanities, giving priority to contributions related to Peru and Latin America, although articles that address experiences from other countries that are illustrative and contribute to the current debate regarding education and humanities issues are also accepted. Part of each issue is dedicated to articles on specific topics – specifically requested by the journal – while the rest offers an open space for recent research on other educational issues.
The aforementioned journal is directed to researchers and professors in higher education.
ISSN 2304-0335(en línea) online edition