Dialogic interaction as component of the teacher’s communicative competence





dialogue, interaction, teacher’s communicative competence, professional activity.


This article deals with the essence and specifics of dialogic interaction as a component of the teacher’s communicative competence. It highlights that dialogic interaction is the most spread one in the educational process, which means that effective dialogue skills are not only an important element of the teacher’s communicative competence, but their professionalism on the whole. Thus, being one of the most important dimensions of pedagogical excellence, they require special development. The article aims to consider theoretical and empirical aspects of improving dialogic interaction as a component of the teacher’s communicative competence. So first, the article reflects a scrupulous theoretical analysis of the issue, with the main focus on the idea that in the pedagogical activity, dialogic interaction dominates other forms of interaction. Then, the article describes the experiment which aimed to study the specifics of the development and improvement of dialogic interaction. The experiment results allow drawing a conclusion about the high effectiveness of the formulated program on the improvement of dialogic interaction as a component of the teacher’s communicative competence. The effectiveness of the program use has been confirmed by the results of the repeated practice. The pedagogical process in an educational institution is based on the interaction of personalities. Therefore, the pedagogical becoming of a teacher is determined by the possibility for him/her to be the subject of the pedagogical activity and build dialogic interaction with its other subjects.


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How to Cite

Georgiyevna Sergeeva, M. ., Yuryevich Lesnikov, G. ., Ivanovich Kuzmin, S. ., & Aleksandrovich Vasilenko, S. . (2021). Dialogic interaction as component of the teacher’s communicative competence. Apuntes Universitarios, 11(4), 531–547. https://doi.org/10.17162/au.v11i4.855