Study of the relationship between emotional intelligence and aggression in students




Emotional intelligence, Aggression, Emotion management, Self-actualization, Psychology, Behavior


The article analyzes the development of emotional intelligence in students from the aspect of reducing aggression. The study was conducted on 114 students studying psychology from social-psychological service in education and social work specialties. In the study, the possibilities of reducing aggression during the application of programs related to emotional intelligence were investigated. Research has shown that there is a positive relationship between the levels of aggression and the level of emotional intelligence. This relationship with low level of aggression is significant (p=0.05 level). However, there is no meaningful relationship between emotional intelligence and verbal and physical aggression. It is believed that this relationship has a situational character and in many cases it manifests itself in more components of anger and hostility. It is significant at the level of r=0.114** and r= 0.324** and p<0.001 on the hostility and anger components of aggression. Based on this fact, it can say that the relationship between emotional intelligence and aggression is meaningful at the level of different components. It was determined that the higher the ability to manage emotions and manage the intrapersonal situation, the less aggressiveness is observed in the students' behavior. Finally, the study showed that the relationship between emotional intelligence and aggression index allows the ability to control emotional manifestations to show less aggression towards the people around them.


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How to Cite

Jabbarov, R., Mustafayev, M., Valiyeva, Y., Babayeva, T. ., & Abbasova, A. (2023). Study of the relationship between emotional intelligence and aggression in students. Apuntes Universitarios, 13(2), 155–174.