Study of the adaptability to change and proactive behavior of students in a university context in face of the COVID-19 health emergency




Education, proactivity, students, leadership, communication, COVID-19.


The objective of this study is to analyze the variables of adaptability to change and organizational behavior of the students of the Tecnológico Nacional de México Campus Coatzacoalcos, in the state of Veracruz-Mexico. The research has a qualitative and quantitative approach, it is a cross-sectional study with a single cut in time, developed in the period corresponding to the month of November 2021 and June of this year. The method used is hypothetical-deductive. A non-probabilistic sampling was determined with the convenience technique, obtaining the participation of 513 students from the different careers offered at the institution. A measurement instrument was applied that analyzes the perception of the eight dimensions to be studied: need for change, leadership and management, attitude to change, communication, adaptation to change, proactive behavior oriented towards the organization, proactive behavior oriented towards others and behavior proactive proactive towards oneself. Through a parametric test, Kolmogorov-Smirnov hypothesis testing and Whitney's Mann's U, male and female students adapt to change in the institution and that males are more likely to have change-oriented behavior that the women.


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How to Cite

Ceja-Romay, S. N. ., Céspedes-Gallegos, S. ., Vázquez González, L. A. ., Pacheco-López, E. ., & Cortés, G. de L.-. (2022). Study of the adaptability to change and proactive behavior of students in a university context in face of the COVID-19 health emergency. Apuntes Universitarios, 13(1), 434–450.

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