Examination of stress levels of women according to exercise behavior change stages and self-feeling status





Sedentary woman, stress, exercise behaviour, lifestyle.


The aim of this study is to examine the stress levels of sedentary women according to the stages of exercise behavior change and the state of feeling themselves. Four hundred and sixty sedentary woman who completed the surveys in Samsun were included in the study. Perceived stress level and change in exercise behavior survey were applied. Health status of sedentary woman were founded with 20.12% very good, 43.13% good, 24.08% average, and 12.57% bad. Sedentary woman stress points were found to be 29.92 points for those with good health and 36.72 points for those with bad ones. Stress scores of participants in regular physical action for the latest 6 months and 3 years were found to be lower than those who did not participate (p <0.05). While the stress levels perceived by sedentary women according to the exercise behavior change stages were high before the tendency, they were low during the exercise maintenance stage. In order to reduce the perceived stress level of sedentary women, it is recommended that they be in the maintenance phase of their exercise behaviors.


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How to Cite

Unlu, C. ., Aksu, A. ., Imamoglu, O., Erdogdu, M. ., & Karacabey, K. . (2022). Examination of stress levels of women according to exercise behavior change stages and self-feeling status. Apuntes Universitarios, 12(2), 133–146. https://doi.org/10.17162/au.v12i2.1037