Health saving as strategic direction of teaching staff training
El ahorro de salud como dirección estratégica de la
formación del personal docente
Kondrashova Lydia Valentinivna
Kondrashov Mykola Mykolayovych
Chuvasova Natalia Oleksandrivna
, Deforzh Hanna Volodymyrivna
Kalinichenko Nadiya Andriyivna
Cherkasy National University, Cherkasy, Ukraine
Kryvyi Rih State Pedagogical University, Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine
Volodymyr Vynnychenko Central Ukrainian State Pedagogical University,
Kropyvnytskyi, Ukraine
Recibido: 09 de abril de 2020 Aceptado: 15 de noviembre de 2020
The article examines the health of future teachers through the educational process. The relationship
between trends in the development of pedagogical education with the unpreparedness of future
teachers and teachers-practitioners to We came to the conclusion that health education - is the
organization of training, which provides accounting for the capabilities and abilities of the individual,
creates appropriate conditions for protection, preservation and individual abilities, maximum
disclosure of physical, mental, spiritual and moral potential, achieving important personal goals for a
healthy lifestyle. It has been confirmed that the practice of health education is formal, because high
school teachers are not prepared for this type of activity. An indicator of the effectiveness of training
future teachers for professional activities is their readiness for healthy education of young people. It
is established that readiness for health education involves the ability to use knowledge of the
theoretical foundations of health, mastering the methods of health, value orientations, the need for
creative self-expression, evaluative-reflexive correction and prevention of factors that negatively
affect the well-being of participants. This complex personal education in its development goes from
low, medium to high levels, which differ in the degree of manifestation of criteria and indicators. It
is emphasized that the health of young people is an important strategy for optimizing modern
education and a prerequisite for its quality.
Keywords: health, health saving, health education, readiness for health through learning.
Este artículo examina el ahorro de salud de los futuros profesores a través del proceso educativo. Las
tendencias negativas en la formación del profesorado están asociadas con la falta de preparación de
Correspondencia al autor
ISSN 2312-4253(impresa)
ISSN 2078-4015(en línea)
Apuntes Universitarios, 2021: 11(1), enero-marzo
ISSN: 2304-0335 DOI:
los futuros profesores y profesionales para la asistencia sanitaria a través de ayudas didácticas. Se ha
demostrado que la práctica de la educación en salud es formal, porque los docentes de secundaria no
están preparados para esta actividad. Un indicador de la eficacia de la formación de futuros docentes
para actividades profesionales de protección y desarrollo de la salud de los jóvenes es la disposición
de los futuros docentes para mantener la salud mediante ayudas didácticas. La preparación para el
cuidado de la salud a través del aprendizaje se interpreta como una educación personal compleja, que
tiene un efecto positivo en la calidad de la educación moderna.
Palabras clave: salud, ahorro de salud, educación para la salud, preparación para la salud a través
del aprendizaje.
Renewal of modern society on democratic and humanistic principles is possible only with the
preparation of the younger generation with a high level of intelligence, professional qualifications,
with such potential for spiritual, intellectual and physical health, which can solve innovative, strategic
tasks. Health as a basis for solving social problems today and in the future addresses the problem of
preparing a healthy nation, using education as an important source of development and health of
student youth. Education today is designed to convey the vitality and healthy energy of young people,
to be a real source of protection and preservation of their health. This highlights the problem of health
as an important factor in optimizing training in the preparation of a healthy person, ensuring the level
of his readiness for various types of professional work and a high level of his physical culture.
Methodical competent use of teaching aids, its health-oriented orientation today requires special
attention of the modern teacher, his readiness to implement in pedagogical practice health-preserving
resources of education in the upbringing of a healthy generation. Experience shows that the
opportunities for physical education and sports are actively used to preserve the health of young
people, but the opportunities for learning are not yet fully used. The system of education in different
types of educational institutions focuses on providing knowledge, skills, abilities and personality
qualities of professional and applied nature. But such an aspect of learning as its impact on the health
of young students, the development of efficiency, physical endurance, its organization as a process
aimed at maintaining the health of young students, using forms, methods and tools to overcome
learning overload, fatigue, ensuring a stable attitude to overcoming difficulties is not the subject of
special studies. The underestimation of health-promoting learning opportunities in the training of
healthy youth can be explained by the unpreparedness of modern teachers for this aspect of
pedagogical activity.
The problem of health saving has always been and is relevant. Both Ukrainian and foreign
researchers have made a great contribution to its decision. Special attention should be paid to the
scientific achievements of modern scientists, the subject of which was various aspects: the formation
Revista de Investigación Apuntes Universitarios
2021: 11(1),450 - 461
ISSN 2312-4253(impresa)
ISSN 2078-4015(en línea)
of a culture of health and a healthy lifestyle of young people (Bondarenko, 2008; Voitenko, 1991;
Grinyova, 2015; Dolynsky, 2011; Sviridenko, 2005: and others; Deforzh, 2019); introduction of
health-preserving technologies in the training of specialists (Barashkov, 2008; Kovaleva, 2004;
Lukyanova, 2012; Smirnov, 2005; etc.); creation of a health-preserving educational space (Bezrukikh,
2004; Berezhna, 2012; Voronin, 2006; Serikov, 1997; Sidorchyk, 1997; etc.). Health issues have been
investigated by Ambach (1996), Broadfood (1992), Maslach (1997), Leiter (1997), Rescue
(1995), Sellick (1996), Koval, Polyezhayev & Bezkhlibna, (2018), Bodnar, Mirkovich, & Koval
(2019), Kvitka et al. (2019); Hutsaliuk et al. (2020).
The multifaceted scientific research in the field of sociology of valeology of medicine on the
formation of a healthy lifestyle of young people is noteworthy, but the problem of preserving and
strengthening the health of the nation, which concerns the organization of health education, remains
relevant today. Unfortunately, the consequences of the stressful impact of education on young
students are widely studied, and the problem of the future teacher's readiness to organize a healthy
educational process has not been properly studied. The future teacher must be prepared to carry out
health activities aimed at preventing fatigue of young students, overcoming the negative effects of
learning on their health, maintaining and strengthening their health during the organization of the
educational process. In this regard, the problem of health-oriented orientation of education, finding
ways to implement it in practice, reducing the effects of stressors, improving the socio-psychological
climate in various types of educational institutions to improve, maintain and strengthen the health of
young students becomes relevant.
The purpose of the study is to theoretically substantiate and experimentally test the
effectiveness of the system of training future teachers for health care through teaching aids in
specially created pedagogical conditions. Participants in the study students 1-3 courses (346
people.) And teachers (30 people) Bogdan Khmelnytsky Cherkasy National University, Cherkasy,
Ukraine and Kryvyi Rih State Pedagogical University, Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine.
To solve problems at different stages of the study used the following methods: theoretical -
analysis and synthesis, systematization, comparison and generalization of scientific and
methodological literature to clarify the nature, content, structure, forms and methods of training future
teachers for health education, identifying the level readiness of students to use educational
opportunities in health care; empirical (questionnaires, testing, systematic observation, essays,
simulation of event-role situations, pedagogical experiment) to develop the structure and stages of
Revista de Investigación Apuntes Universitarios
2021: 11(1),450 - 461
ISSN 2312-4253(impresa)
ISSN 2078-4015(en línea)
preparation of students for health education; statistical methods for mathematical processing with the
subsequent qualitative interpretation of results of experimental research.
Significant factors that shape the health of young people are the system of education and
training, the impact of the educational process on the health of a growing person, the rational use of
teaching aids in maintaining health and preventing stressful situations that negatively affect well-
being and mental mood participants in the educational process.
In order to solve the researched problem, we used a pedagogical experiment, which combined
several stages: ascertaining, forming, diagnostic. At the stage of the observational experiment, the
state of health of future teachers was analyzed, the influence of learning on the psychological well-
being of students was studied. To find out how the assessment of educational activities and the nature
of relationships in the educational process affect the well-being of students, their psychological state,
a survey was conducted.
The factor influencing the psychological state of students during their studies is the level of
interaction between students and teachers in educational work, which was indicated by 87,0% of
surveyed students, but only 13,0% expressed satisfaction with this relationship, 32,0% noted partial
satisfaction, these relationships, 42,0% believe that they are not satisfied with the relationship with
The data collected revealed a relationship between intense educational work and low levels of
psychological and intellectual health. 89,7% of students indicated overload with study tasks; 37,4%
noted fatigue after classes; 81,3% noted that their health had deteriorated during their studies at the
university; 13,7% constantly experience psychological discomfort during training; 61,8% -
experience stressful situations. Signs of fatigue are present 40,2% of 1st year students and 35,1%
of 4th year students. The majority of surveyed students (67,0%) said that they often need
psychological support and help from teachers. Teachers (20,0%) believe that students do not need
their help, but need to recognize their success.
The collected facts show that in the practice of the university there are relations in the system
teacher student, where the leader is the teacher, and students only follow his orders; in teaching,
a monologue over dialogue rests. Avoidance of dialogic communication in the educational process
students explain the teacher's fears for lack of authority in the group, lack of knowledge on the subject,
which may become apparent during free discussion, exchange of views, the introduction of innovative
approaches to teaching the discipline. At the stage of the observational experiment, the nature of
students' attitude to health education was clarified with the help of a survey. The data obtained
Revista de Investigación Apuntes Universitarios
2021: 11(1),450 - 461
ISSN 2312-4253(impresa)
ISSN 2078-4015(en línea)
indicate that future educators generally have a positive attitude to health education, preferring it to
traditional (see Table 1).
Table 1
The nature of students' attitudes towards healthy and traditional learning
Type of training
The nature of students' attitudes to learning
Health saving training
Traditional education
At the same time, 57,1% of surveyed students showed interest in health education, indifferent
24,3%, negative attitude 18,6%. Only 16,0% expressed a desire to receive information on methods
and technology of health education. In addition, 25,0% of students surveyed believe that the
predominance of the traditional approach to their training at the university does not stimulate the
attitude to health care. The data collected indicate an underestimation in the learning process of factors
that have health-preserving opportunities, and teachers ignore the reasons that negatively affect the
health of students.
The data collected at the stage of the observational experiment confirmed the need to develop
and implement an author's program of health care through teaching at the university. The subject of
the author's program were program material, methods, didactic tools and forms of organization of
educational work. This program is aimed at maintaining the health of the future teacher in the
educational process, which is perceived as a subject of active learning activities and didactic
procedures. The efforts of teachers are aimed at ensuring a healthy psychological climate, creating a
situation of success in learning and conditions for active activities that allow to give the educational
process a healthy orientation. The main tasks were:
active participation of students in the development of individual strategy for maintaining
their own health through learning;
statement of problems and their solution by means of actions focused on the formation of
a culture of intellectual work;
use of various forms and methods of acquiring knowledge and practical skills of rational
educational activity;
creating psychological comfort: mutual assistance and support in learning, conflict
prevention, overcoming difficulties, responsibility for their own actions and behavior;
Revista de Investigación Apuntes Universitarios
2021: 11(1),450 - 461
ISSN 2312-4253(impresa)
ISSN 2078-4015(en línea)
installation for the preservation of health, development of creative potential and
professional development.
Solving these problems has led to a systematic and purposeful educational process to preserve
and protect the health of future teachers. In this regard, Abdullina (1990) pointed to the need for
systematic work to prepare students for health activities, creating a healthy psychological
environment, the use of individual and group classes, which are aimed at resolving internal
contradictions. These contradictions arise in situations of mismatch of requirements of adaptive level
to mental possibilities of the student.
Health-preserving training is the organization of training, during which the account of
possibilities and abilities of the person is provided, appropriate conditions for protection, preservation
and strengthening of health of participants of educational process, development of their individual
abilities, the maximum disclosure of physical, mental, spiritual and moral potential are created,
achieving important personal goals for a healthy lifestyle.
During the implementation of educational work productive forms were used: presentations,
video programs, trainings, scientific and practical seminars, master classes, creative laboratories and
teachers focused on providing psychological comfort to each student, prevention of conflict
situations, respect for their social status in the group. Aseev (1974) argues that the organization of
learning cannot ignore the mechanism of internal human activity, spiritual and volitional organization
and moral nature, which leads to finding ways to overcome all difficulties and prevent the causes that
negatively effect on the psychological state of participants in the educational process.
The basis of the organization of education was the focus of all didactic and methodological
tools, working conditions and well-being of students to preserve and develop the spiritual, moral and
intellectual and mental health of future teachers. The criterion for the effectiveness of health education
is the readiness of future teachers for health activities.
Readiness for health care through learning is a complex personal education, which involves the
ability to use knowledge of the theoretical foundations of health care, mastering the methods of health
education, value orientations, the need for creative expression, evaluative-reflexive correction and
prevention of factors that negatively affect well-being participants in the educational process. As a
complex personal formation, readiness combines motivational, cognitive, emotional-volitional,
activity components in the structure (the structure in the generalized form is shown in Fig. 1).
Revista de Investigación Apuntes Universitarios
2021: 11(1),450 - 461
ISSN 2312-4253(impresa)
ISSN 2078-4015(en línea)
Fig. 1 Structure of readiness for health saving education
Each component of readiness is characterized by the corresponding criteria which allow to
reveal dynamics of development of this difficult personal formation in the course of preparation of
future teachers for practical activity. Each component of readiness is characterized by the
corresponding criteria which allow to reveal dynamics of development of this difficult personal
formation in the course of preparation of students for professional activity.
The readiness of future teachers for health education is formed through the ability to use
knowledge of the theoretical foundations of health and healthy living, the development of evaluative-
reflexive position, system of humanistic values, the need for creative self-expression and mastery of
methods of involving students in healthy lifestyles. the process of stressful phenomena that negatively
affect the well-being of its participants.
The readiness of future teachers for health care is a complex personal formation, the formation
of which is gradual and takes place in its development at several levels (elementary, basic, sufficient,
perfect). The success of the formation of readiness of future teachers for health is determined by a set
of pedagogical conditions that would activate students in the process of learning to creatively solve
educational problems based on their own capabilities and abilities, the need to work on maintaining
their own health.
The preparation of students in university education involves the effective use of scientifically
sound knowledge about human health, means and methods of its preservation and strengthening for
the fullest self-realization of interests, needs and opportunities in the process of professional
development, socio-cultural and economic life (Yankovyi et al., 2020). The future educator must be
Components of future
teachers' readiness for
health education
Emotional and volitional
Activity component
Revista de Investigación Apuntes Universitarios
2021: 11(1),450 - 461
ISSN 2312-4253(impresa)
ISSN 2078-4015(en línea)
ready to effectively manage the process of health care in education, when each of them will always
feel happy; when there are only positive emotions in the soul; when everyone who learns will feel
comfort, security and, of course, interest in learning (Mikhno, Koval, Ternavskyi, 2020).
At the beginning of the experiment, the percentage of students who showed basic and basic
levels of readiness for health education exceeded the percentage of students who showed sufficient
and perfect levels of readiness for this type of education. Thus, the perfect level was 4,2%, sufficient
16,7%, basic 29,3%, alimentary 49,8%. The system of research training, conducted in
experimental groups, provides a dynamic level of readiness of future teachers for health in a positive
direction. Thus, in the experimental group, the perfect level was 12,6% against 4,1% at the beginning
of the study. The number of students with a sufficient level of readiness has more than doubled
50,8% against 16,8%. The number of students with a basic level of readiness for health education has
sharply decreased 16,6% against 49,8%.
In the control group, there are also changes in the level of readiness from elementary to basic. But
these changes will not start so much and are explained rather by objective factors of the general
development of the person while studying at university. Thus, the number of students with an
elementary level of readiness decreased to 45,8% from 49,8%. With the basic level of readiness, the
number of students increased, but not significantly 33,3% against 29,3% of the data of the
observational experiment. Sufficient and perfect levels of readiness after the end of the research work
were found by 16,8% and 4,1% of students, respectively, which is equal to the results of the cut after
the observational experiment. Thus, the students of the control group have an elementary level of
readiness for health care through teaching aids.
Analysis of the effectiveness of the research program in shaping the readiness of future teachers
for health care through teaching suggests that the objectives of the study are solved by systematic and
purposeful actions of teachers and compliance with pedagogical conditions, among which the most
effective were: providing positive motivation; mastery by future teachers of the theoretical foundations
and technology of health care in the learning process. The inconsistency of actions of teachers and
students has a negative effect on the results of research work. It is established that the rational
organization of the educational process of health orientation, creating an atmosphere of emotional
comfort and psychological security of each student has a positive effect on the formation of the
motivational component of readiness. The future teacher develops a lasting interest and readiness for
health in the learning process. Increasing students' knowledge of the theory, methodology and
technology of health education provides a sufficient and perfect level of the cognitive component of
readiness. In the conditions of orientation of educational process on preservation and protection of
health of its participants methodical means of level of development of emotional sphere and volitional
qualities of future teachers which stimulate process of acquisition of constructive, communicative,
Revista de Investigación Apuntes Universitarios
2021: 11(1),450 - 461
ISSN 2312-4253(impresa)
ISSN 2078-4015(en línea)
organizational skills, reflective abilities, create an opportunity to solve educational problems on
preservation and health development. This improves and develops the activity component of the
readiness of future teachers for health in the learning process.
The use of active forms and methods in the educational process (interviews, discussions,
debates, role-playing situations and business games, storytelling, making, happying, etc.) contribute
to the fact that the student becomes an object in the subject of active learning activities. Active actions
stimulate his desire for creativity, awakens curiosity, interest in research, the use of innovations in
practice, provides opportunities for free choice of actions, pedagogical support and psychological
security. Participation in various forms of learning develops self-confidence in solving educational
problems, the need to maintain and develop mental health. The collected data (see Table 2) show the
positive dynamics of all components that make up the structure of readiness of future teachers of
health care through teaching aids.
Table 2
Levels of readiness of future teachers to health saving by teaching aids
after completion of the formative experiment (in%)
Components of readiness of future teachers for health care by means of training (CG-
171; EG-174 persons)
Table 2 shows that there have been changes in the motivational component. The elementary
level was found in the formation experiment only in 16,7% of students in the experimental group.
The level of theoretical knowledge of future teachers about the essence, content, methods and
technology of health care through teaching aids has significantly increased. According to the results
of experimental work, only 8,3% of students in the experimental group showed an elementary level
of knowledge. The data also show that students in the process of performing the tasks of the
experimental program have acquired the necessary skills and abilities for health through teaching
aids. Thus, in the experimental group with a perfect level of development of the activity component
of readiness, based on the results of the formative experiment, 27,0% of students were identified. The
Revista de Investigación Apuntes Universitarios
2021: 11(1),450 - 461
ISSN 2312-4253(impresa)
ISSN 2078-4015(en línea)
number of respondents with an elementary level of activity component of readiness decreased in the
experimental group to 5,3%. The indicators of the emotional and volitional component of the
readiness of future teachers for health care through teaching aids have also increased: 8,3% of students
have found a perfect level, 37,5% - a sufficient level of development of this component.
As a result of mastering the theory of health care through teaching, conducting a system of
training, modeling educational dialogues, debates, discussions in class, role-playing, students began
to better navigate communication situations, analyze the conditions of health care through learning,
justify the solution of serious learning problems. arguments, they have developed the ability to
anticipate, the ability to predict their actions and the actions of others in order to reduce stressful
situations in the learning process. Future educators, taking an active part in discussion, debate,
dialogue, have learned to act independently in psychological situations, defend their own views,
formulate problems, seek extraordinary solutions, work on self-improvement, and as a result achieve
significant success in health. Creative tasks and situations, widely used in research, stimulated
students' activity, independence, interest in solving health problems through teaching, creating
psychological comfort for each participant in the educational process.
The experimental program of student training has confirmed its importance for the formation of the
readiness of future teachers for health care through teaching aids. The collected facts allow us to say that
provided a positive motivation in the implementation of health education in practice, due to the focus of
the higher education process on training future teachers for health, mastering the theoretical foundations
and technology of health education, methodological support for the formation of this complex personal
education makes it possible to significantly increase the level of readiness of future teachers to maintain
and develop health through learning.
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ISSN 2078-4015(en línea)