Factores que afectan la explicación educativa del desempeño de la red de
ventas en la industria de seguros iraní
Meta-synthesis of factors affecting the explanation of sales network performance in the
Iranian insurance industry
Hashem Daghighi Asli
, Kambiz Shahroodi
, Seyed Mozaffar Mirbarg Kar
Yalda Rahmati
Islamic Azad University, Rasht, Iran
Orcid ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7308-1358
Orcid ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6392-2799
Orcid ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2179-9662
Orcid ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4270-7165
Recibido: 19 de abril de 2020 Aceptado: 10 de octubre de 2020
El objetivo de este estudio fue la meta-síntesis de factores que afectan la explicación del
desempeño de la red de ventas en la industria de seguros iraní. El método de esta investigación
utilizando la teoría de datos, que es una de las mejores estrategias de investigación, a través de
la cual; La teoría se basa en los conceptos principales de los datos. En este sentido, el método
meta-combinado se ha utilizado sistemáticamente para recopilar y revisar estudios previos y el
método de base de datos para proporcionar un modelo teórico. En la primera etapa, al integrar
estrategias de búsqueda automática y manual, se cubren 25 artículos de investigación
relacionados publicados en el alcance del desempeño de la red de ventas en la industria de
seguros en el período 2009 a 2018 para artículos en inglés y de 2011 a 2018 para artículos
persas. En la etapa final, luego de implementar los pasos propuestos por Glaser y Strauss, se
presenta el modelo teórico propuesto. Los hallazgos de la investigación obtenidos de la primera
etapa han mostrado que los factores psicológicos y conductuales tienen la mayor frecuencia en
estudios previos y han prestado mayor atención, lo que de hecho enfoca estudios en el
empoderamiento de los recursos humanos activos en la industria aseguradora. De acuerdo con
los resultados factores individuales relacionados con los representantes y factores relacionados
con la organización de los representantes, condiciones centrales que incluyen: desempeño del
agente de seguros, condiciones estratégicas que incluyen: factores relacionados con el seguro
central, condiciones del contexto predominante incluidas.
Palabras clave: Economía, servicios, seguros de vida, red de ventas, Irán
Corresponding Author: E-mail: K_shahroodi@yahoo.com
ISSN 2312-4253(impresa)
ISSN 2078-4015(en línea)
Apuntes Universitarios, 2021: 11(1), enero-marzo
ISSN: 2304-0335 DOI: https://doi.org/10.17162/au.v11i1.576
The aim of this study was Meta-synthesis of factors affecting the explanation of sales network
performance in the Iranian insurance industry. The method of this research using the data
theory, which is one of the best research strategies, through which; Theory is based on the main
concepts of the data. In this regard, the meta-combined method has been systematically used
to collect and review previous studies and the foundation data method to provide a theoretical
model. In the first stage, by integrating automatic and manual search strategies, 25 related
research articles published in the scope of sales network performance in the insurance industry
in the period 2009 to 2018 is covered for English articles and 2011 to 2018 for Persian articles.
In the final stage, after implementing the proposed steps of Glaser and Strauss, the proposed
theoretical model is presented. The results of the research obtained from the first stage have
shown that psychological and behavioral factors have the highest frequency in previous studies
and have paid the most attention, which in fact focuses studies on empowering human resources
active in the insurance industry. According to the results individual factors related to
representatives and factors related to the organization of representatives, central conditions
including: performance of insurance agent, strategic conditions including: factors related to
central insurance, prevailing context conditions included.
Keywords: Economy, services, life insurance, sales network, Iran
Today, the service industry has a fundamental and important role in the economic
development of countries and in the meantime, the important role of the insurance industry is
not hidden from anyone (Di Giorgio et al, 2019). The importance of this industry is doubled
because it can be introduced as one of the major economic institutions; rather, due to the
supporting role that this industry plays for other industries, it introduced it as one of the symbols
of developed countries (Sadat and Shafiee, 2016). Also, the insurance industry is one of the
most important economic institutions and is considered one of the strongest support institutions
for other economic institutions and households (Asadi and Hedayati, 2019). In fact, insurance
companies are businesses that, like any other business, must make a profit for survival and
development and making a profit depends on attracting and retaining customers and creating
capable sales networks (Huang et al., 2016).
Due to the nature of the insurance industry, which covers the losses arising from the
economic and development activities of society, causes a rapid movement of development in
society (Ismailpour and Qasemnejad, 2018). And while; The annual reports of the Central
Insurance of the Islamic Republic of Iran, as an institution supervising the insurance industry,
show the declining profitability of the insurance industry in the mentioned fields. According to
the same statistics, from 2008 to the end of 2017, the loss ratio of the third field was 97% on
average. It is worth noting that the effect of administrative costs and fees paid by insurance
companies is not included in this ratio. In health insurance, which has a significant share of the
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2021: 11(1),335 - 351
ISSN 2312-4253(impresa)
ISSN 2078-4015(en línea)
portfolio of insurance companies, the average loss ratio during the years 2007 to the end of
2017, excluding administrative costs and fees, has been reported 107 percent. These two
disciplines account for the major share of claims paid by insurance companies. Published
information of insurance companies indicates the weakness of appropriate decision-making in
this area. Continuation of this trend can cause serious problems for insurance companies, which
account for about 2.5% of GDP (Khashei and Saboor, 2019).
The low rate of insurance penetration in Iran has various reasons, from popular culture
and their lack of belief in insurance to the weakness of insurance companies in increasing this
rate. Today, empowerment is considered as one of the useful tools to improve the quality of
employees as well as sales representatives of the insurance industry and increase organizational
effectiveness (Abbasi et al., 2016). Studies show that; incredibly, the impact of empowerment
on organizations over the past decade has been noted by researchers and scientists (Voegtlin,
2015) the insurance industry is also one of the industries that has not escaped attention
(MeskinNawaz et al., 2017). The insurance sales and marketing system consists of all
executives (employees in insurance branches, brokers, agents), staff, infrastructure and
software and hardware which should be managed according to a purposeful planning and based
on marketing and sales skills (Shafei and Fathi, 2018). Insurance companies are increasingly
increasing their representations to gain more share of the target market. Therefore, the level of
ability of agencies in profitability is very decisive (MeskinNawaz et al., 2017).
In this regard, first of all, it is necessary to identify the factors affecting the performance
of the sales network in the insurance industry in order to empower targeted agents. Because the
study of statistics and performance of insurance industry sales network representatives shows
that; almost all agents are not able to achieve these quantitative goals due to the goals set by
the marketing and oversight unit of the insurance sales network. Another part of the
representatives is not as satisfactory as it should be in relation to the market potential.
Therefore, the sales of all types of insurance policies of these agents are very low or relatively
low. Therefore, the present study seeks to answer the main question that; what factors
determine the performance of the sales network in the insurance industry?
Theoretical foundations and literature
Insurance sales in the country are done in two ways: 1- Direct; 2- Indirect. In the direct
method, the insurance company directly sells the insurance policy and marketing and selling
through headquarters units and provincial and city branches. In the indirect method, the
insurance policy is sold through the sales network. The pillars of the sales network are: Brokers
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ISSN 2078-4015(en línea)
who operate with a license and under the supervision of Central Insurance and while providing
advice to the community and insurers are able to cooperate with all companies and sell
insurance policies (Taebi and Rezvani, 2016).
It is necessary to mention the representatives and marketers in each area operate under
the supervision of the company's branches in that area. Insurance is sold by the sales network,
examination of his condition is extremely important and it should be done in such a way that
marketing programs are included in this group and by recognizing their problems and resolving
conflicts in the interests of the insurance company and the sales network, it is possible to try to
enlarge the insurance influence network and create double motivation in the sales network and
as a result promote the position of the insurance industry (Taebi and Rezvani, 2016).
In recent decades, increasing the penetration rate of insurance in Iran has been
considered in the country. There are definitely a number of factors involved in increasing this
index but in the meantime, the role of representatives as the executive arms of insurance
companies and those who are at the forefront of sales and interaction with the customer is very
important and for this reason, attracting the right sales force has always been one of the main
concerns of the insurance industry and consequently insurance companies. Previous studies
show; Personal characteristics of the sales force, which include characteristics such as personal
motivation, self-esteem, ability to manage relationships and efficiency, are of significant
importance in advancing the goals of companies (Nouri and Akbari, 2019). As the results of
Taebi and Rezvani (2016) showed that; Factors such as manpower, sales outlets and agents
increase the influence of insurance and the capability of the insurance sales network.
Individual factors are also among the variables affecting the empowerment of the
insurance sales network. In 2019, Dinser et al. examined the relationship between the level of
education of bank staff and their profitability; they studied information on 15 banks operating
in Turkey from 2002 to 2006 and their resultss confirmed the relationship between staff
education and bank profitability, these results indicate that; Turkish banks should focus more
on attracting postgraduate and doctoral graduates when recruiting staff. The main reason for
this is that; this group of staff is more capable than others due to the skills acquired during their
studies at the university. Another important point is that; Banks do not have to spend a lot of
money to increase the capacity of their staff in the workplace because these personnel have
already acquired the required competencies during university. So, banks should instead focus
on their payroll policies in order to attract university graduates to higher levels (Hasan Dinçer,
et al., 2019).
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2021: 11(1),335 - 351
ISSN 2312-4253(impresa)
ISSN 2078-4015(en línea)
Sales network position in insurance companies
The position of the sales network in an industry depends to a large extent on the general
approach of marketing activities in that industry, that is, it is the general marketing strategies
of the industry that shape marketing practices. Therefore, knowing these general approaches
can help design effective marketing systems (Groza et al, 2016).
One of the courses that the world insurance industry has experienced is the product-
oriented course. During this period, insurance companies invented insurance plans to their
liking and offered them to the people, hoping that the people would buy them. Another period
was the sales-oriented period, in which insurance companies hired a group of marketers to sell
their insurance products. The third period was the period of customer orientation, in which
insurance companies designed insurance policies based on the needs of the community and the
fourth period was the market-oriented period in which the insurance industry with risk
management tools tries to analyze the risks of insurers and produce insurance policies
accordingly (Groza et al, 2016).
Despite going through the various stages above, in general, offering and providing
insurance services like any other service in terms of its features is always more difficult than
offering physical products and goods. It can be said that buying insurance requires a cultural
background of insurance in the buyer to sell insurance. The buyer does not buy the insurance
product until he knows it, that is, the primary and main task of the seller is to introduce the
desired insurance to the buyer (Ismailpour, 2018).
Insurance sales network work is an infrastructure activity because it usually deals with
people who do not have accurate and complete information about insurance services and to
meet their insurance needs, they must be justified by this network. Insurance buyers need to
know how to use it and what rights they get through this purchase and what responsibilities
they take on and since this information must be provided by a representative, broker or
insurance company, it is obvious that the seller must be sufficiently aware (Heikli, 2017).
Insurance agents and brokers and their marketers form the sales network of the insurance
industry and in fact, the executive arms of insurance companies are for sale. The ability and
growth of the sales network leads to sales progress in terms of quantity and quality, and its
weakness will cause disturbances in the supply of insurance (Heikli, 2017).
Acquiring a customer alone will not be satisfying for an insurance company, in fact,
with the sale of insurance, the work of the sales network begins and maintaining the customer
and providing appropriate services in case of damage is the next step in the development of the
monopoly market by insurance companies.
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2021: 11(1),335 - 351
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ISSN 2078-4015(en línea)
Table 1
Summary of research and models for evaluating the performance of
the insurance industry sales network
Model search
Insure Tech Innovation is a
single market analysis based
on Twitter data and
a case
Investigating the characteristics and
evolutionary capabilities of Insure tech
innovations to understand the value of
insurance in a digital world
Stockley et al.
Two-step approach
(evaluation of technical and
scale performance(
Efficiency and productivity in private sector
health insurers in Australia
Dynamic two-stage dynamic
data network (DEF) data
analysis model with transfer
variables based on dynamic
slack with network structure
Modeling investments in the dynamic
network performance of insurance
Cauro et al. (2018)
Quasi-experimental design
model and control group
Forming a sales team: The right team
members help the performance
Garrett and
Fragility perspective - focus
Concentration and financial stability in the
liability-property insurance sector: Global
Altontas and Bruch
Combined MCDM model
Financial modeling and planning
improvement for the life insurance industry
using vast
knowledge based on the
combined MCDM model
Shen et al. (2017)
Survey model
The Impact of Sales Strategies on the
Financial Performance of Insurance
Maroufi et al.
Descriptive survey plan
Motivational strategies and sales force
performance in the insurance industry in
Onyango (2017)
Artificial neural networks and
linear regression
Modeling and Evaluating Customer
Loyalty Using Neural Networks: Evidence
from Startup Insurance Companies
Ansari and Riyasi
Descriptive survey plan
Relating Thinking Styles to Sales
Performance: The Importance of Creativity
and Mental Knowledge
Grozza et al. (2016)
Descriptive survey plan
Determinants of profitability of non-life
insurance companies
Dare (2016)
Exploratory and using
secondary research and
primary data
Factors Affecting Life Insurance
Absorption Rates: A Comparison Between
Malaysia and Japan «
Vijaranti and
Ramsay (2016)
Analytical study
Relationship between Financial Planning
and Life Insurance Consultants, Puneh,
Maharashtra, India
Disai (2016)
Source: Researcher Studies
Revista de Investigación Apuntes Universitarios
2021: 11(1),335 - 351
ISSN 2312-4253(impresa)
ISSN 2078-4015(en línea)
In the present study, the data theory of the foundation has been used, which is one of
the best research strategies, through which; Theory is based on the main concepts of the data.
This means that the process of theory formation in this strategy is the movement from whole
to part (Danaeifar et al., 2017). In this method, based on the proposed steps of Glaser and
Strauss, the following steps are performed.
First step: Select the research topic: In this research, an attempt has been made to
exploit a variety of signs and factors that can be useful and effective in identifying and defining
the problem, personal experiences, researcher observations at different levels of work and
management, as well as formal and informal reports of Central Insurance in the field of sales
network performance in the insurance industry have been used in line with the research topic.
Second step: obtaining research goals: Glaser and Strauss (1967) have identified five
main goals or applications for a foundation data research: Assess the validity of previous
evidence, generalize based on experience, determine a unit of measurement for a single case
study, verify the validity of existing theories, and generate a theory (theorizing) (Vaezi and
Azmandian, 2016, 63). In this research, the aim is to theorize in the field of sales network
performance in the insurance industry.
Third step: Select a group to study: In this research, based on the theoretical sampling
procedure, insurance industry experts including the sales network of the insurance industry that
have experience and higher education, technical and staff managers and major insurers have
been interviewed. Qualifications for the interview include having at least a master's degree or
at least 15 years of experience in the insurance industry. Therefore, after the review, 17 experts
have been considered for specialized interviews. The research data at this stage has an
exploratory aspect and completes and develops the researcher's observations.
Fourth step: Research data collection: In this section, a semi-structured questionnaire
has been used to collect data. An iterative process that combines all of the existing research
literature on a particular topic into an answer to a particular research question that the main
purpose of this type of research method is to review, collect, summarize and evaluate evidence
about a specific area (Ahmad et al., 2018). This method is done in order to discover any
research gap in existing studies and in this way, a deeper insight and understanding of the
phenomenon under study can be provided (Antercalmsteiner et al., 2012). Keithham and
Chartres (2007) have shown that; this type of review research should consist of three stages,
including planning, conducting, and reporting and each step has sub-elements, including: (1)
Step 1: Formulate the research question; (2) Step 2: Systematic review of texts; (3) Step 3:
Revista de Investigación Apuntes Universitarios
2021: 11(1),335 - 351
ISSN 2312-4253(impresa)
ISSN 2078-4015(en línea)
Search and select appropriate articles; (4) Step 4: Extract textual information; (5) Step 5:
Analysis and integration of qualitative results; And (6) Step 6: Quality Control. In this step,
automatic search using keywords using string software for English sources was used and
Noormags and Magiran for Persian sources 220 related research articles published in the field
of sales network performance in the insurance industry in the period 2009 to 2018 for English
articles and 2011 to 2018 for Persian articles are covered. Duplicate studies were performed
using Mendeley software and finally the number of output articles in this section was 51
articles. Research is graded based on the 50-point Critical Assessment Skills Program Scale
and researches with a score of less than 30 were eliminated and finally 25 suitable articles were
Table 2
Criteria for inclusion and exclusion of scientific resources
Criteria for inclusion (selection) of
scientific resources
Available in full text.
English articles have been published for Persian articles in
the period between 2009 to 2018 and 2011 to 2018.
Be in Persian and English.
Be in the field of sales network performance in the
insurance industry.
Criteria for exclusion (deletion) of
scientific resources
Research with similar titles
Outside the set time frame
Lack of access to the full text of the article
Step 5: Open coding and axial coding of the collected data
In order to analyze the interviews, we first open codedeach interview. We then
categorize the extracted code into categories of "concepts" that have more general and abstract
meanings than open source. Each of these concepts can be grouped into larger (more abstract)
groups called categories. Therefore, after conceptualizing open source, the extracted
concepts are categorized. It is necessary to mention; According to the procedure adopted in the
data research method of the foundation, the mentioned categories of concepts and categories
gradually become more coherent and complete by increasing the number of interviews and
comparing the “continuous assessment” of previous results.
Step 6: Selective data encoding
The third step in coding is selective coding. At this stage, the researcher develops a
theory among the categories obtained in the axial coding model.
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2021: 11(1),335 - 351
ISSN 2312-4253(impresa)
ISSN 2078-4015(en línea)
Step 7: Theorizing (producing theory)
The study of research results begins with the fourth stage of data foundation theory
(collection of research data) in this research, a system Meta-synthesis method has been used,
the output of which is as described in Figure 1.
Fig 1
Collection of research data
The output of this table is the basis for designing a semi-structured interview text. In
total interviews, the key point is marked with marker codes. These points are conceptualized
in the form of abstract concepts. Explaining and establishing connections between concepts
has shaped them into categories. Interviews are recorded between 40 and 100 minutes. The
results of the analysis of the interviews (Steps 5 and 6 of the Foundation Data Theory) are
shown in Table 3.
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2021: 11(1),335 - 351
ISSN 2312-4253(impresa)
ISSN 2078-4015(en línea)
Table 3
Integration of open coding, axial coding and selective coding steps
Main categories
(Selective coding)
(Axial coding)
Open source (open source)
Individual factors
related to
Appearance / Having insurance knowledge /
Representative technical ability / Representative scientific
ability / Representative technical knowledge
Factors related to the
organization of
Appropriate database of insurance policies /
Organizational status of the representative / Office location
/ Appearance of the office / How to arrange the office /
Appropriate archive
customer relation
Timely advice to the customer / Accompanying the insurer
/ Providing better customer service / The amount of time
spent with the customer /
Characteristics of
human resources
Having the right marketers / Having the best marketers /
Up-to-date knowledge of marketers / General knowledge
of the seller / Technical knowledge of the seller's
Marketing structure
Giving continuous training to marketers / amount of
advertising / type of advertising / theory and marketing of
market share/Advertising effectiveness / Creating a
marketing clinic
Insurance agent
Amount of loss ratio / Portfolio amount / Portfolio
attraction / Timely payment of installments / Debt of non-
representative / Timely receipt of receivables /
service performance
Renewal of previous insurance policies / Having work
order / Renewal of insurance policy / Insurers 'satisfaction
/ Customer loyalty / Customer orientation / Insurers'
feedback / Customer Feedback
Business relationship between the insurer and the
representative / how the
technical managers of the
companies interact
Factors related to the
insurance company
Characteristics of the
insurance company
Wealth of the company / Technical knowledge of
managers / Knowledge of people from the insurance
company / Establishment of sales organization in the
insurance company / Use of sales network
Environmental features
Economic factors
Economic environment / economic issues / inflation /
economic recession
Political factors
Political environment / political issues / government
policies / taxes
cultural factors
Accompanying top managers and representatives with
sales organization / cultural issues / insurance penetration
in society / increasing insurance culture
social factors
Social environment / social issues
Legal factors
Legal issues and legislation of the country
Sales network
performance evaluation
However, the results related to the function of the tail of the axial codingstage or the
“axial coding paradigm” in which 13 categories emerged during the research (Table 4-41) in
the form of defined categories or categories and the recommended foundation data method is
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2021: 11(1),335 - 351
ISSN 2312-4253(impresa)
ISSN 2078-4015(en línea)
organized around a core category to explain the performance of the sales network in the
insurance industry. These categories are described in Figure 1.
Fig 2
Sales network in the Iranian insurance industry model
In explaining the research results in the first part and examining the causal conditions,
the low sales of agents can be attributed to their individual and organizational factors. At the
individual level, most delegates seem to have low morale and motivation to continue. Since
these two factors are the main motivator for starting and taking any action, including marketing
and selling insurance, therefore, a large part of the promotion and training program for sales
network representatives should be designed and compiled with an emphasis on these factors.
On the other hand, most agents do not have the skills, techniques and techniques to market and
Factors related
to central
Terms and
Sales network
performance in
the insurance
Prevailing field
Factors related
to the insurance
factors related to
Factors related
to the
organization of
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2021: 11(1),335 - 351
ISSN 2312-4253(impresa)
ISSN 2078-4015(en línea)
sell insurance (Daare, 2016). Some of the shortcomings are related to technical and specialized
knowledge related to different types of insurance fields (Residential, commercial and industrial
fire insurance; liability insurance; engineering insurance; complementary health insurance;
third party and body insurance; life and group and individual accident insurance, etc.) (Ayuso
et al, 2011). Therefore, it is necessary to prepare and compile another part of the development
and promotion programs of the representatives with emphasis on these structures. Regarding
the relationship between the structural and organizational characteristics of the agents and the
sales performance statistics of their insurance policies, it should be noted that; In recent years,
due to the intensification between insurance companies and insurance agents, the impact of
organizational factors such as office space and appearance, Preparing and compiling programs
in order to collect data related to insurers, manage relations with insurers, establish long-term
relationships with insurers and effective advertising, the ability to plan and set goals etc., on
the performance of agents has become inevitable. As a result, a significant portion of the sales
network capacity development and enhancement program should be designed and developed
with an emphasis on these parameters (Ismailpour, 2018).
But in the pivotal description and how the insurance agent works, the research results
have shown that; Psychological and behavioral factors have been the most common in previous
studies and have received the most attention. In fact, the study focuses on empowering human
resources active in the insurance sales industry (Saburabani, 2019). In explaining these results,
it can be stated that; Insurers act by empowering employees and related sales representatives
to encourage them to take action without pressure, to respect the collective interests of the
organization with minimal oversight, and to perform their duties as owners of the organization
(Altuntas, 2017).
Empowerment enables insurance industry resellers to have greater resilience and
flexibility in the face of problems and threats. Therefore, it can be useful as a source to prevent
their vulnerability and sow the seeds of hope in them in critical situations, including the
destruction of financial capital and the loss of human life. The results of the study are in line
with the results of Meskin-Nawaz and Ghorbani (2017). Efficient and capable human resources
are the most valuable assets and the main competitive advantage of an organization. As other
depleted resources and technologies become obsolete rapidly in the current challenging
environment, human resource empowerment can be a superior option to ensure the survival of
the organization and keep it leading. Safari and Moradi (2017) have also confirmed that; In
today's society, the sales representative of the insurance industry must have full scientific and
personal capabilities and today's society cannot accept a representative who just in his office
Revista de Investigación Apuntes Universitarios
2021: 11(1),335 - 351
ISSN 2312-4253(impresa)
ISSN 2078-4015(en línea)
waiting for people to pass in front of the office door in the hope that someone enters the office
as an insurer and buys insurance. According to research results, psychological empowerment
is a priority. This article also confirms the results of Garrett and Gopalakrishna (2017) to form
a sales team; the right team members help the performance to have a high level of psychological
In explaining the intervening conditions, environmental factors, it can be stated that;
identifying the market, identifying its diverse needs, and identifying customers are all part of
basic marketing skills. In the past, due to the limited number of insurance companies, the job
of an agent was considered a lucrative business because after a while, the seller will have a
reliable base of customers and business was cumulative in nature that is, the seller, while
enjoying the existing customers, if he succeeds in attracting new customers, he will benefit
from the accumulated incomes of the previous years in addition to the present incomes. For
this reason, many applicants for insurance sales often describe this activity as low-cost and
high-income (Khodadahosseini et al, 2011). However, operating in today's highly competitive
market requires the acquisition of individual and social competencies and skills for the
representative and his company. This may extend the life of an insured seller. Insurers are also
very aware of the past and due to the minimal cost of changing the provider of insurance
services, in different years they are easily transferred from one seller to another insurer.
Insurance managers in various disciplines develop executive instructions and directives
and operational strategies. Incorrect information about the situation of the insurance market in
different fields and sectors and lack of familiarity with the limitations and facilities of the
company's sales network, leads to the issuance of impractical orders and incorrect expectations
from the sales network and this will have many destructive effects on advancing the company's
market development goals (Groza et al, 2016). Operating in such an environment frustrates the
representative of the company's support in providing services; finally, the representative will
be inactive and limited to some compulsory insurance policies.
The limited marketing resources and technical capability of some insurance companies
have limited them to operating in a particular market segment or discipline, which reduces the
competitiveness of their agents. In particular, in areas where the insurance company's set of
proposals is not compatible with the local and economic conditions of the region, the result of
the representative's non-organizational activities and the provision of insurance policies to
active partners in other companies.
Revista de Investigación Apuntes Universitarios
2021: 11(1),335 - 351
ISSN 2312-4253(impresa)
ISSN 2078-4015(en línea)
The result will be a reduction in the sense of organizational belonging and belonging to
the parent company brand. Regarding non-compulsory insurance, the most important problem
in the market is the lack of a professional sales network. After years of private insurance, the
insurance industry has not yet been able to establish a proper structure and sales network for
professionals and specialists. The second challenge in this area is after-sales service, which in
the country's insurance industry is limited to the issue of compensation.
Abbasi, M. R., & Saboor, S. (2011). The effect of internal marketing on customer
orientation in the insurance industry (Case study: insurance companies in
Tehran). Quarterly Journal of Insurance Research, 26(2), 67-78.
Akbari, M., Al Taha, S., Farkhondeh, M., & Pourrajbi, A. (2016). The effect of the
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Revista de Investigación Apuntes Universitarios
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ISSN 2078-4015(en línea)