Análisis psicológico de los poemas de Forough Farrokhzad basados en las
teorías de A. Adler y K. Horney
Psychological Analysis of Forough Farrokhzad Poems Based on A. Adler and
K. Horney Theories
Seyedeh Kolsoom Fazeli
, Dr. Shahrokh Hekmat
Islamic Azad University, Arak, Iran
1, 2
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Recibido: 09 de mayo de 2020 Aceptado:05 de octubre de 2020
El objetivo de este estudio fue el análisis psicológico de los poemas de Forough Farrokhzad
basados en las teorías de A. Adler y K. Horney. Esta investigación se ha realizado utilizando un
método descriptivo y análisis de contenido en el que trabaja el estudio de investigadores Forough
Farrokhzad. Los resultados muestran que Forough Farrokhzad siempre se ha enfrentado con la
censura y el pesimismo de la gente en nuestra sociedad de que nuestra cultura tradicional no pudo
soportar su libertad que refleja sus emociones, pensamientos y afectos en sus poemas. Estos
reflejan tanto las dificultades por las que ha pasado como también se hacen eco de sus problemas
psicológicos, como la inferioridad, la sumisión, la agresión y el trastorno disociativo. De hecho,
su autorrevelación, supremacía y soledad elegida por ella misma fueron un intento intencional de
cubrir y sanar sus debilidades. Luego de analizar sobre Forough, se identificó que su actitud
negativa hacia el mundo y su pesimismo ha creado paranoia en algunas de sus poesías. Ella era
pesimista en algunos de sus poemas y veía a todos los hombres ya veces a todas las personas como
su enemigo.
Palabras clave: Crítica literaria, Forough Farrokhzad, Alfred Adler, Karen Horney, complejo de
Inferioridad, literatura persa, análisis literario
The objective of this study was to psychological analysis of Forough Farrokhzad poems based on
A. Adler and K. Horney theories. This research has been done using descriptive method and
content analysis in which researchers’ study Forough Farrokhzad works. Results show that
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ISSN 2312-4253(impresa)
ISSN 2078-4015(en línea)
Apuntes Universitarios,
2021: 11(1), enero-marzo
ISSN: 2304-0335 DOI:
Forough Farrokhzad has always been encountered with censorship and people's pessimism in our
society that our traditional culture could not put up with her freedom that reflect her emotion,
thoughts, and affections in her poems. These poems reflected both the difficulties she’s been
through and also echo her psychological problems including inferiority, submission, aggression,
and dissociative disorder. Indeed, her self-disclosure, supremacy, and self-chosen solitude were
intentional attempted to cover and healed her weaknesses. After analyzing about Forough, we
identified that her negative attitude to world and pessimism has created paranoia in some of her
poetry. She was a pessimist in some of her poems and saw all the men and sometimes all the people
as her enemy.
Keywords: Literary criticism, Forough Farrokhzad, Alfred Adler, Karen Horney, Inferiority
complex, Persian literature, literary analysis
Psychological criticism has granted literary criticism with profundity and a kind of
predicting mysterious aspect by scheming material related to individual and collective unconscious
in literature (Shamisa 2009). Some critics relied on psychology in literary criticism and tried to
communicate the poet’s intrinsic stream and inner status (Zarinkoob, 2017). Therefore, studied the
impact of society and traditions in developing such streams. Following the success of
psychological investigations especially Sigmund Freud during the early twenties, his theories
about unconscious self and his psychiatric method penetrated psychological criticism realm and
became one of the most outstanding interpretive schools. The most popular analysis provided by
Freud on structure and performance of mind was ego pattern, ego and superego. But as it was
expected different psychiatric schools appeared after Freud which revolutionized the psychiatric
literary criticism.
Problem statement
Among these majors, psychology as one of the human science majors was directly related
to literature regarding so many aspects. According to Freud (1953), literary proses and creative
artistic writing is speech; narration and phrasing interprets inner unconscious.
There were 3 deductions were coming as a result of the investigations and psychiatric
criticism: one was the effort dedicated to psychological analysis of literature. Second was the fact
that psychiatric criticism of literature could be defined as literature psychiatry; psychology and
literature were 2 independent areas having connections as well (distinguish differentiated aspects
of literature and psychology while highlighting the connections).The third type of psychiatric
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2021: 11(1),278 - 296
ISSN 2312-4253(impresa)
ISSN 2078-4015(en línea)
criticism was the psychological analysis in literature seen as efforts to discover psychological
issues in literature (Moghadasi and Chakali, 2018).
There were various defensive mechanisms in her poetry against depression and anxiety and
different types of complexes and psychic motives have been involved in her life style and
development of her concepts and poetry toward excellence. Studying this creative poet through
her poetry and applying her characteristics with Horney and Alfred psychological theories, one
could extract the examples of humiliation complex, compensating mechanism, aggression, and
psychosis (Shamloo, 2019).
Theoretical schemes of the study
Basic anxiety
According to Horney, the anxiety was the origin of the following neurosis and are closely
connected to feeling hostility. Horney defined basic anxiety as solitude, misery, and feeling
unprotected in a world which was dangerous and scary in essence (Shultz, 2017:171). Anxiety was
not heritable but was a result of our culture and training such as hostility and enmity, feeling of
inferiority and worthlessness, misery, disability, loneliness, being nervous and some other bad
effects (Taheri, 2018). Horney (2014) believed a nervous person made efforts and used defensive
mechanisms in order to alleviate the anxiety and its excitation but even these efforts just aggregated
the issue and complicated the nervousness structure. Therefore, some needs as morbid needs were
introduced. In this case, Horney has introduced 10 types of morbid needs of which are as follows:
1. Affection and approval
Affection and approval defined as be liked by others and attracted affection and agreement.
A person with such a need was careful about what others thought and could not stand the slightest
criticism or unkindness.
2. Domineering partner
Person was looking for a parasitic relationship with someone who accepted the
responsibilities for everything. These people were terribly scared of being abandoned and staying
alone ( Shakeri, 2018:92).
3. Power
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2021: 11(1),278 - 296
ISSN 2312-4253(impresa)
ISSN 2078-4015(en línea)
A person of the need thought that they could achieve anything just by having the power of
4. Exploitation
Being the winner in every game and deal to be superior to others.
5. Credit
The social credit was the determining factor in self-assessment.
6. Admiration
In this situation the person had an exaggeration and arrogant self-image and expected to be
praised and admired based on these false images.
7. Progress or ambition
Due to feeling basic insecurity the person leaded herself or himself towards having greater
and beta progress.
8. Self-sufficiency
Because of so many failures in building satisfactory relations, the person was disappointed
and thus avoided joining the others. Consequently, they would be isolated or elusive.
9. Perfection
The person was afraid of making mistakes and thus being criticized so they tried to play
the role and identified the weaknesses before the others did (Shakeri, 2018:95).
10. Limiting life
To maintain the current situation and avoiding any kind of changes or hobbies. The main
characteristic of this demand was being completely content.
Morbid needs
For the other hand, Horney categorized these 10 morbid needed in three groups. 1. Moving
towards people. 2. Moving against people. 3. Moving to avoid people. Feeling isolated and
frustrated usually displayed as basic anxiety made some people to act obsessively. They reacted to
Revista de Investigación Apuntes Universitarios
2021: 11(1),278 - 296
ISSN 2312-4253(impresa)
ISSN 2078-4015(en línea)
others by moving towards them submissively and by doing so they try to protect themselves from
frustration (Horney, 1945).
- Moving towards people
The person who chose the path was not hopeful about being powerful and puissant.
Therefore, they wanted to feel protected from other people who might tease them and also provided
themselves with a support to accompany them in life (Taheri, 2018:67).
- Moving against people
The person who was following this method saw people as their enemy and believed they
would be always ready to defend or attack. He aimed to be powerful and his motto was:” the
powerful always right.” Weak people tried to achieve a social status gave them the opportunity to
hide their inner weaknesses. The important sign of power to them and to society included: wealth,
fame, success position or even knowledge. In this defensive technique the motto was: “if I gain
power no one would bother me” (Taheri, 2018:67).
- Moving to avoid people
A person holding this view considered society as the origin of all sadness, tensions and
miseries. They considered those choosing solitude as wise people. These people neither helped nor
asked for help. They did not follow fame, position, and ambition. Their motto was: “contentment
is what enriches a person”. Nervous people had to suspend their feelings and emotions in order to
a stay independent because of the fear of dependency. In isolation technique the Motto was: “if I
stay away from you, I'll be safe” (Taheri, 2018:67).
The ideal self-image
The neurosis people who were experiencing the conflict between the incompatible methods
had an uncoordinated and not united character. They formed their self-image having the same goal
of normal people. They wanted to unite their personality (Shultz, 2017:178). But they were
doomed to failure. Because their images were not based on a realistic assessment of their
weaknesses and strengths of themselves. But they were based on an illusion which was absolute
unreachable perfection (Shakeri, 2018:98). According to the provided explanations, the following
essay used Adler and Horney's theories as a theoretical framework and in the following sections
there would be an analysis of these theories and poetic evidences of Forough Farrokhzad.
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2021: 11(1),278 - 296
ISSN 2312-4253(impresa)
ISSN 2078-4015(en línea)
Alfred Adler and his psychological theories
Alfred was considered to be as a pioneer of social psychology group in psychiatry, because
he separated Sigmund Freud in 1911. He proposed a theory in which social interests played an
important role and he was the only psychologist to establish a group of 4 participants named after
Inferiority feeling
One of the primary concepts presented by Adler was inferiority. He thought of inferiority
feeling to be a complete concept was timing from psychological imperfections of members.
However, he redeveloped the concept to be extended because he thought this feeling could be
associated with some family issues. For instance, excessive care of children (spoilt children) by
parents could also result in inferiority feeling in children. However, Adler did not consider this
feeling of inferiority as a weakness point. He believed that it was a motivation Force for people's
behavior (Taheri, 2018:67). An inferiority complex occurred of an individual fails to compensate
for their usual inferiority and consequently felt frustrated.
Aggressive drive
According to Adler, aggression was the first prompt reaction to feeling inferiority.
Aggressive was the dominant, governing and forms the combination of drives. Displaying of the
drive was shown in different forms; such as hitting, biting, fighting and even sadism in a severe
form. It was also displayed in indirect form; for instance, competitive races, religious, social,
National, racist, political or even artistic conflicts. Sometimes of this drive showed itself inside;
and the person displayed paradoxical forms of submission and humiliation which might result in
Masochism too.
Superiority striving
The effort made to reach superiority striving could be mentioned as an action to cover
feeling inferiority. This effort caused that they tried to maintain and increased their self-
confidence. Superiority striving was not only an individual but also a collective movement.
Effort to reaching perfection
Adler (1987) believed that Perfection was to complete and fulfill that people tried to reach
and felt fulfilled. The excellent goal was to reach the complete perfection. Lazarsfeld (1966) also
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2021: 11(1),278 - 296
ISSN 2312-4253(impresa)
ISSN 2078-4015(en línea)
declared that there were times people lost confidence due to various reasons; there was a possibility
people tried to make confidence for them by replacing unreal achievement instead of the reality
and by doing so form an unrealistic image dreams which caused perfection.
Compensation mechanism
The factors influenced such mechanisms of compensation were as follows: memory,
excitements, cognitive status of the patient and other factors. According to Adler, there were two
categories of people when it came to compensation for imperfections. One group were the people
who tried to conceal their imperfections not to be noticed by others (prestige oriented) and the
second group were people who did not care about what other people think (lack oriented).
Categories of people regarding their compensation techniques could be into the following groups
(Shamloo, 2019).
- Compensation within the area: a person who tried to adapt with situation in the same area
that was dealing with a problem.
- Compensation in other areas: for example, a person who tried to compensate for his
educational weakness by succeeding in sports.
- Overcompensation (superiority complex): the situation in which the person overcame the
problems by hard work and also tried to be in a higher and better situation in comparison
to others.
According to Adler, the inferiority feeling existed within every individual, however this
feeling caused neurotic symptoms in neurotic people, because they had the symptoms in their
existence center.
Karen Horney and his psychological theories
Karen Horney was a German theoretician who developed a theory of personality based on
social factors in which the impact of congenital factors is insignificant. Horney believed the
neurosis could be prevented if there was understanding, safety, kindness, friendly relations, and
affections in family (Shamloo, 2019).
Horney believed that a child’s needs like health and immunity could be either fulfilled or
caused disappointment by paying attention to early childhood experiences such as parents’
interaction with children because lack of attention caused anxiety in children (Sholtez, 2017:322).
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2021: 11(1),278 - 296
ISSN 2312-4253(impresa)
ISSN 2078-4015(en línea)
It would be also affected by environmental and social factors such as domineering
approach, lack of support, lack of affection and unstable behaviors. According to Horney,
personality could change through life time and there was nothing of general nature in the growth
of a child. There were some factors stemming from society and family which cause anxiety and
insecurity in a child. The most important ones were: too much dominance, ignorance, unstable
behavior, being disrespectful to a child's demands, excessive attention and affection, lack of
needed warmth and friendliness, discrimination, overprotection, assigning responsibility none at
all, aggression, and the violence to feel security (Taheri, 2018:67).
Discussion of the theories of Adler and Horney in relation to
the poems of Forough
Paradoxical and controversial thoughts and mentality of poets was not surprising because
a person could have paradoxical thoughts and the concepts of different phenomenon could change
by passage of time. Alfred Adler investigated the psychic features of people by analyzing their
lifestyle in his individualist psychology. The main criteria of assessment in individualist
psychology was to investigate a person of psychological health was, social interest. According to
the current theory, people of mental health tried for collective success while the people who lacked
such health search for personal superiority. At the same time the theories of Horny could be helpful
to show if the poet has chosen to be love thirsty, submissive, evasive or aggressive towards other
people in order to compensate for such inferiority.
By psychological analysis of the poetry of an artist in whose art could be found paradox,
various conclusions would be shown. It was possible to claim the poet has been a neurosis based
on some poems and emphasized on mental health based on some others. Forough was not an
exception as well. And obviously a feminine narrative could display the very profound and deep
emotions within a female poet greatly. Features indicated love thirst and superiority and isolation
in Forough poetry (Horney's theory). Horney theory of inner conflict in Forough (moving towards
people, moving against people, move to avoid people).
First, referring to some evidence regarding this poem should be considered:
My love
As gods of Hindu temples
Like ever seems a stranger
Revista de Investigación Apuntes Universitarios
2021: 11(1),278 - 296
ISSN 2312-4253(impresa)
ISSN 2078-4015(en línea)
He's man of old days
A memento of original beauty
In his space awakens
Innocent memories
Like a childish scent
He's like a happy folk song
Full of rage and nudity
Loves the life
The earth
The sorrows of humane
Pure sadness
From depths of his heart
He loves purely
A garden alley
A tree
A cup of ice
A hanger of clothes
My love is a naïve
A naïve man I have hid
In ominous land of strangeness
Between my breasts
As the last sign of a wonderful religion
(Mehr Talab, Hiding love in Heart, 2009).
Referring to the word violence could indicate Forough's attention to beloved's dominance.
She tended to choose a beloved to make it easier for her to be in society all by herself. According
to the choice, he got to be categorized in third group mentioned by Horney. Avoiding people with
the company of an allied beloved. This also referred to love thirst in Forough.
She imagined her beloved as a god in a Nepal temple; an isolated god, a domineering one
belonging to ancient times. She deliberately referred to his ancient origin because to her, the
current society could not be the one that fulfilled her ideals and the features she demanded. This
society had bothered her and caused her great difficulties. As a result, she has chosen a
domineering beloved with whom she could avoid people instead of choosing isolation.
Maybe self-sufficiency could also be seen in the mentioned material. Forough did not want
and was not able to choose isolation in this period of time but fell in love with a beloved resembling
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2021: 11(1),278 - 296
ISSN 2312-4253(impresa)
ISSN 2078-4015(en línea)
herself coming from an ancient past having the appropriate originality in Forough’s point of view.
Finally, one could be isolated and self-sufficient only by having such beloved.
In the chosen poetry, domineering beloved from Frough has been observed. Someone that
could take the responsibility of her grief. But the very same beloved could easily abandon
Frouogh’s evasive character and caused her another grief by the society.
We could also refer to this topic that there were reasons why women wrote feminine poetry
and men wrote masculine poetry. The content of a feminine poem, the rhythm, details, events,
tensions, structures, or any tool to visualize and dramatize used by women could be different from
men. Forough used feminine characteristics to emphasize her grief of being a second sex and she
reflected it in her poetry either intentionally or unintentionally.
My whole being is a dark chant
which will carry you
perpetuating you
to the dawn of eternal growths and blossoming
in this chant I sighed you sighed
in this chant
I grafted you to the tree to the water to the fire.
In a room as big as loneliness
my heart
which is as big as love
looks at the simple pretexts of its happiness
at the beautiful decay of flowers in the vase
at the sapling you planted in our garden
and the song of canaries
which sing to the size of a window.
One of the points that Horney referred to was limiting the situation of life. In fact, Forough
was trying to keep the current situation and avoiding any kind of changes or hobbies. The major
feature of such need was full content. This fact could also categorize Forough in another group
developed by Horney: avoiding people.
When I feel someone's lips
I wish they were his
Wish these kissing lips
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2021: 11(1),278 - 296
ISSN 2312-4253(impresa)
ISSN 2078-4015(en línea)
Were burning lips of that wicked
When I'm caressed with love
Ask for his bosom
Where to that burning fire gone
Burning in his silence
In these lines, Forough referred to the wickedness of the beloved. According to Horney’s
theory, she has chosen the domineering beloved. Horney believed such characters were terribly
scared of being abandoned and staying alone. Forough also tried to replace the wicked beloved
after being abandoned so this character was scared of being alone.
As we referred to Horney, some people became submissive to others and protected
themselves from frustration. The important point was that the poet tried to substitute the beloved
as physically but in fact was evading the people in society. In her thoughts, she did not approve of
anyone to replace the ancient beloved. In some other poetry by Forough we were dealing with self-
sufficiency. When the poet was in better terms with the beloved, she felt completely self-sufficient
did not tend to have connections of any type with the society. Here we referred to some evidence
of self-sufficiency and love-thirst:
Tell him, Shut behind the doors
I parted from every one
If asked ever, I won't fear
I shout that I am in love
When the night falls, and moon hides from sight
I wait in fear
May my gone love come
Seeing a shadow on paths
I'll ran to see
Passing as a ghost it was
I'll stare on other paths behind
In the presented evidence we observed that Forough has become submissive in order to get
rid of frustration and was led to people _the beloved of course_ but the closed doors and windows
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2021: 11(1),278 - 296
ISSN 2312-4253(impresa)
ISSN 2078-4015(en línea)
indicated that Forough was only and exclusively asking her beloved for affection. Forough was
not trying to have everyone love her, so according to Horney’s categories, she was not the type of
moving toward people. However, she was in search of a pure and genuine beloved while she did
not consider the society worthy, so she preferred to be silent. To closed the doors and chose
isolation reminded the compensation mechanism of Adler. In the society which has taught Forough
the state of being the second sex, she has selected solitude and isolation as a coverage to
compensate for failures and lived in loneliness with grieves, paradoxes, concerns and feminine
Every night in my bed
My soul searches for my lost one
With these barren efforts
The puzzled mind of mine speaks:
“You pathetic wretched woman
Forget for moments
This was a mistake to let him in
That wicked lover.
The one you're seeking
Not thinking of you
Stop cry and wreathe
Stop! He's with another lover.”
(Womanhood, 65)
We could also refer to the fact that words with high frequency and great details; love; death;
loneliness and fear; theatre; expectation; dream; regrets; and sigh were usually used in a feminine
narrative which were also seen in Forough poetry as well. In fact, these words were used in order
to complete this eastern feminine view. The abandoned Forough was love-thirsty and put all her
poetry in hands of feminine narrative. A narration which indicated the wicked beloved of the poet
has been a domineering one and her expectations for him to return showed her feeble character
that was trying to pass the negative feelings and got her social madness alleviated.
In these lines, dealing with a delicate, fragile, and feminine character describing her
expectance is considered. Forough as a love-thirsty character, but the type that did not demand
love from everyone or even a certain group. Frough only asked for the love of her beloved. She
was sometimes disappointed for love in some moments of life and she demanded her man to
Revista de Investigación Apuntes Universitarios
2021: 11(1),278 - 296
ISSN 2312-4253(impresa)
ISSN 2078-4015(en línea)
provide this affection. Forough was not in the category of people who according to Adler tended
to hide their imperfections, but she fairly expressed her inabilities in some emotional matters and
in the end has limited her life by choosing a domineering partner so she was moving toward
separation from people.
We mentioned earlier that in feminine narration we deal with regrets. Regrets and sigh
accompany human beings. Humans were always in regrets during their lives. In regret for a past,
in regret for a life passing with high speed to become a memory, although memories were an
inevitable part of the life. Also, Forough felt melancholy for the things which were crushed as the
world moved ahead. There was vague wistfulness in her poetry:
He won't feel my lovely essence
When I'm caressing him
Oh, my dear mirror, I'm dying from regret and awe
As he represses my body
(Mehrtalab: 68)
Forough investigated the matter of self-sufficiency in all the poems she has written about
the contrasts between men and women. She declared this self-sufficiency must be made women
avoid men or make them act against them. There were also signs of aggression in her poetry as if
she has written these lines in times of great pain and nervous violence. Horney referred to this
feeling by declaring the fact that a nervous person felt weakness, inability, feebleness, and severe
The other point that should be considered was that language has always been an equipment
to showed not only one’s demands, pains, and all the spiritual and inner requests of humans, but
also speech style in different personalities. The language formed our understanding of the universe
surrounding us that language transfer our thinking in to social life. There were linguistic
differences in how men and women used the language. Most of the scientists believed that there
were phonic and vocabulary difference between men and women. There were even differences
among men related to language (Nemati, 2005:74-75).
Using feminine quality to attract the beloved’s attention, other’s approval, need for affection,
Revista de Investigación Apuntes Universitarios
2021: 11(1),278 - 296
ISSN 2312-4253(impresa)
ISSN 2078-4015(en línea)
In Forough poetry, the feminine language to express grief and melancholy of women was
identified. A harsh language which indicated the existence of a chaotic soul, a feminine soul
harassed by men of the society and now it hasn’t found a better way than poetry to displayed her
feminine melancholy and sigh.
Oh, you full-hearted woman
Never expect fidelity of men, never
He knows not a word of love
Never tell him your heart's secrets
We could see the submissive aspect of Forough’s character in her avoidance of the society
while she was dealing with her beloved and we found her feminine language in this calmness. This
indicated that Forough was sometimes moving toward people and society in her poetry and maybe
she was trying to find trust:
In those moments of happiness
Can't see any sign of evasion in me
As children do, can't see my silent look
Battling with shame (89)
Obviously, women were emotional creatures and full of feelings. They thought and talked
with their six senses. Feelings were directly connected to repetition. They repeated the same
meaning in different sentence structures. The talkative quality in women also stemmed from their
being emotional (NekZarlaki, 2003). It was people’s firm conviction that “associating rationality
and concreteness with masculinity and associating emotionality and imagination with feminine
quality was just mere repetition of the most insolent stereotypes of sexism(Taheri, 2009, p. 96).
Women showed interest in emotional connections. They learned sensitivity and subtlety from
young age and they possessed a wider range of vocabulary to describe their feelings and also
beauty. For example, they could describe a color like red with more details and also women
exaggerated while describing their feelings.
As we observed, Forough described her feelings exaggeratedly and tried to be specific; all
of her poetry represented a feminine narrative using a language of emotions and fancy. She tried
to be as vocal as a man in expressing her romantic feelings. Obviously, there was no need to ignore
Revista de Investigación Apuntes Universitarios
2021: 11(1),278 - 296
ISSN 2312-4253(impresa)
ISSN 2078-4015(en línea)
or hide the reality. Canonical or non-cononical, legal or illegal, right or wrong this was the male
sex who almost always been in center of attention and in this unfair fight the female has always or
almost always gained the second position (Hossein zadeh, 2004).
Most of Forough poetry revolved around expression of pain and solved complexes with a
social insight. “there were a lot of pains that agitate her calmness and they were based on fear; fear
of self, fear of others, fear of being crushed, ignored, and fear of time and erosion of soul. She has
reacted to these crisis and inequality and her art visualize the masculine society and unsaid words
of Iranian women who were not heard. She managed to create the narration in her poetry and
defeated the inequities and make the sound of the independent women be heard by everyone:
On the threshold of a cold season
and in the mirrors’ grieving vigil,
in faint memories’ mournful wake,
and in this dusk pregnant with wise silence,
how can one cry Stop! to one who moves
so patiently,
How can one say to this man that he is not alive?
that he has never been? (332, 333)
We could see the feminine language of Forough in these lines again. It visualized the cold
in the society replete with masculinity opposed by men, mirrors were mourning and the society
was in melancholy. The dawn has learnt to be reticent and her beloved was moving patiently.
Foruogh was still in self-sufficiency mood and avoided the society in these lines.
In most of her poetry, we could see the image of limitations and loneliness of the Iranian
woman. The biggest pain which elicited the cry of chaos is the weight of tradition chains that trap
a naïve girl and transfers her possession to another man, or an unsupported woman who was
abandoned and ends in a tragic and bitter destiny, which was a fruitless strict matrimony. Forough
was the type who preferred avoiding people. She used the compensation mechanism as below: to
avoid and run away from the society and suggesting this method to Iranian women.
Why you have to run?
Why you are in rush?
Revista de Investigación Apuntes Universitarios
2021: 11(1),278 - 296
ISSN 2312-4253(impresa)
ISSN 2078-4015(en línea)
To whom you're seeking shelter
In a night as dark as tonight?
No light glimmering in the wilderness
What's in sight from that far
Those glimmering lights burning there
May be the eyes of wild wolves.
Any genuine poet took side in social tensions because of the hatred they felt for injustice,
and the love they had for goodness and purity. So, they used their gift to come to welfare, calmness,
and policy. Policy and power had natural consequences that was the chaos in society. These
consequences bothered the emotional and committed poets and made them react. Reaction
appropriate for different actions. A poet rebelled, some people protested and wrote about it and
liked a mirror present a critical realism. Some kept silent and this was how they protested. Forough
Farokhzad criticized realistically like a mirror.
We are grown on a wasted land
We rain on a wasted land
We seen nothing in our path
Ridden on the flying horse of his
He passed like a king
Alas, we are happy and calm
Alas, we are missing and shut
We are happy, as we love
We are missing, as love is cursed.
Negative attitude to love was obviously seen in these lines due to failure in love. Forough
had a domineering beloved and has grown up in a masculine society thus she could not put up with
these social issues and complained about them. As we mentioned earlier, Horney defined basic
anxiety as an increasing feeling of loneliness and frustration in a cruel world. We could say that
her anxiety was the basic feeling from which the other neurotic diseases were born and was closely
attached to enmity.
Revista de Investigación Apuntes Universitarios
2021: 11(1),278 - 296
ISSN 2312-4253(impresa)
ISSN 2078-4015(en línea)
In supplied theories, the importance of past was emphasized than future. The family and
the society in which a child grew up is really significant. It was clear that living in a situation
similar to that of Forough's the second sex would result in having inferiorities. Important thing was
that tense environment and her failure in early ages and not being supported created a situation
that increased her inferiority. Isolation could be seen and felt in all of her demands for love because
isolation was her ultimate preference as her mind has surrendered to pessimism and all her life is
full of doubt and fear.
Alfred Adler and Karen Horney theories shared the same nature; inferiority feeling could
result in morbid behavior. In Forough poetry, we figured out she has endured a lot of difficulties.
She even doubted God and started to rule instead of God. Inferiority feeling was created by partner
and also not having a child and it developed in society by being called the second sex. These
created paradox in her. Paradox which caused her to be love thirst at times and be elusive at other
times and chose various mechanisms in different situations. Isolation and being away from society
were preferred. The situation would end in a positive point at the end and she developed like a
butterfly. A butterfly moved towards people with love and without pessimism and this indicated
her power.
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