Analogía del derecho en la práctica educativa del derecho civil
The analogy of law in civil law educational practice
Viktor Mikryukov
Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL), Moscow, Russia
Orcid ID:
Recibido: 03 de julio de 2020 Aceptado 07 de octubre de 2020
El objetivo de esta investigación fue mostrar cuán activamente se aplica el mecanismo de
analogía legal en la práctica actual del derecho civil, identificando las razones del papel
principal de la analogía legal como herramienta activa en el proceso de administración de
justicia. El método de analogía fue considerado como la herramienta clave del objeto del
estudio, y junto con los instrumentos jurídicos y técnicos comparativos especiales, el autor
aplicó métodos lógicos generales que son característicos de los estudios más civilizados, como
el análisis y síntesis, inducción y deducción, comparación y generalización. Además, el autor
definió algunos casos importantes que se decidieron mediante la aplicación de analogías legales
y pueden constituir la base para futuras investigaciones en el desarrollo de la práctica judicial
pertinente. En este sentido, el aporte del autor consiste en un nuevo concepto de la correlación
entre el desarrollo y el desglose de los estándares legales y el grado de demanda de analogía
legal en la jurisprudencia.
Palabras clave: analogía jurídica, derecho civil, ley, justicia, legislación, jurisprudencia.
The objective of this research was to show how actively the legal analogy mechanism is applied
in current civil law practice, identifying the reasons for the main role of legal analogy as an
active tool in the justice administration process. The method of analogy was considered as the
key tool of the object of the study, and together with the special comparative legal and technical
instruments, the author applied general logical methods that are characteristic of the most
civilized studies, such as analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, comparison and
generalization. Furthermore, the author defined some important cases that were decided by
applying legal analogies and may form the basis for future investigations in the development of
relevant judicial practice. In this sense, the author's contribution consists of a new concept of
the correlation between the development and breakdown of legal standards and the degree of
demand for legal analogy in jurisprudence.
Correspondencia al autor:
Apuntes Universitarios, 2021: 11(1), enero-marzo
ISSN: 2304-0335 DOI:
ISSN 2312-4253(impresa)
ISSN 2078-4015(en línea)
Keywords: legal analogy, civil law, law, justice, legislation, jurisprudence.
Legal gap is regarded as the key reason for legal uncertainty, which is considered a
negative factor and a defect in the legal system that impedes the achievements of the necessary
legal results (Davis, 2011). Likewise, are situations that occur when the social relations,
included in the subject of civil law, are not directly regulated by law or contract and there is no
custom applicable for such relations (Romanenko, 2017), namely, when there is a gap between
a fact requiring the reaction of the legislator and relevant regulatory material.
A condition of legal uncertainty is also observed when there is no formal legal gap;
however, existing legislation is not able to respond adequately to some “mutations” of social
relations, when the latter take new features in specific socio-economic conditions. It is
impossible to ignore these characteristics to provide harmonious implementation of basic civil
legal principles, such as participants’ equality, inviolability of property, freedom of contract,
impermissibility of any arbitrary interference with private affairs, the necessity of unhindered
exercise of civil rights, and ensuring the guaranty of restoration of violated rights and their legal
protection (Civil Code of RF).
Therefore, the author of the present work points out the fundamental importance of
striving to achieve absolute legal certainty around civil law responsibility as well as the
inadmissibility of denial of justice and ensuring the civil rights protection in terms of the
absence of proper regulatory material. In this context, it is worth highlighting such a powerful,
traditional (Malyushin, 2015), and the universal (Demin, 2017) creative tool to address legal
shortcomings as the analogy of law. Nowadays, the study of the mechanism of the analogy of
law depends on the continuous complication of economic life, i.e., the intensification of the
implementation of information and telecommunication networks and electronic technologies,
the development of robotics and artificial intelligence (Andreev, 2020), and the active genomic
research and interventions in the human genome (Bogdanova, Maleina, and Ksenofontova,
2020). Thus, new unidentifiable regulations are being introduced and the number of relations
to be included in the sphere of legal impact is increasing. These relations fall outside existing
civil law regulation. At the same time, there is no law (or other normative act) that would
regulate similar relations, and could be applied for the analogy of law.
Literature review
The analogy method in legal argument is regarded as a very common, convenient, and
effective means to bridge the gap between facts and rule. In the theory of law, the relevant
application of legislative rules governing relations similar to the disputed (not directly
regulated) is defined as the analogy of lawanalogia legis (Weinreb, 2005). According to the
Revista de Investigación Apuntes Universitarios
2021: 11(1),36 - 45
ISSN 2312-4253(impresa)
ISSN 2078-4015(en línea)
analogical reasoning under the rules of statutory analogy, a judicial conclusion is drawn from
the case that has already been classified (normatively identified) and assessed on another case
based on similarities. Therefore, legal norms are applied to the situations that are not direct
subjects to the relevant classification (Macagno, 2009). In Russia, the application of civil law
by means of analogia legis is directly permitted for civil disputes (Civil Code of RF). If such a
legal gap was identified, and it is impossible to apply the analogy of law to overcome it, Section
2 of Article 6 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation provides a mechanism of the legal
analogyanalogia iuris, i.e., the determination of the rights and obligations of the participants
in a disputed relationship based on the general principles and meaning of civil law, as well as
the requirements of good faith, reasonableness, and justice.
According to juristic theory, legal analogy is established not according to specific
norms, but according to the so-called “general principle of law” (Damele, 2014), which is
regarded as “more mysterious and puzzling than analogia legis”, as it is associated with
axiology and the necessity to ensure internal consistency of the legal system (Koszowski, 2017).
Therefore, the analogy of law can be an instrumental for the prompt perfection of the law, and
can serve as “something more” than the logical device used by the court (Tsikhotsky, 2011). In
addition, the analogy of law effectiveness in exercise the subjective potential of the law enforcer
(personal experience and worldview) contributes to the resolution of the most difficult legal
situations (Shindyapina and Boshno, 2006), ensuring the spirit of law (Anisimov, 2016) and the
implementation of the realimmediate, directfunctioning of the basic principles and the
meaning of legislation (Kuznetsova, 2006).
The implementation of the mechanism of the analogy of law in making legal decisions
contributes to a serious discretion of the executor, which sometimes qualifies analogical
reasoning as “a mask for unrecognized judicial lawmaking” (Schauer and Spellman, 2017).
Therefore, there is a certain amount of uncertainty in the mechanism of legal impact. Since the
tendency to increase the uncertainty in the law is “extreme” (D'Amato, 2010), it is logical to
assume that the role of analogia iuris in legal regulation should increase.
In the doctrine, the analogy of law is mostly regarded as “spare”, “the worst” (Rovny,
2011) and “exceptional” instrument, used when all other means have been exhausted (Balashov
and Mishutina, 2009), which is below the last stage in the hierarchy of permissible civil legal
regulations (Braginsky and Vitryansky, 2001). Some authors approved the practice of
overcoming legal gaps by means of the analogy of specific rules of the law. However, they
pointed out the impossibility or at least undesirability of the implementation of the analogy of
law, since the latter is less consistent with the requirements of legality consolidation, and creates
the basis for abuse while using discretionary capabilities of the officials that is inevitable in
terms of the analogy of law application (Szabo, 1964).
Revista de Investigación Apuntes Universitarios
2021: 11(1),36 - 45
ISSN 2312-4253(impresa)
ISSN 2078-4015(en línea)
Contemporary scientists and law practitioners note that although the application of the
analogy of law in substantive and procedural matters is not excluded, it is implemented
“relatively rarely” (Slepenkova, 2011), “rather rarely” (Malyushin, 2015), “rarely” (Kulakov,
2013), and “extremely rarely” (Alieskerov, 2002). In courts, the analogy of law as a method of
overcoming gaps in civil law is applied “sporadically” (Panova, 2012), “inappreciably”
(Polyakov, 2014) or “not involved at all” (Bevzenko, 2010). It is noted that when the theoretical
considerations about the analogy of law and legal analogy are transferred to the practical aspect
of a particular industry, the application of analogy becomes a very controversial institution,
which is difficult to implement).
Because of the logical development of this idea, we can conclude that the demand for
the analogy of law in resolving civil law disputes will tend to zero or disappear completely.
According to such reasoning, as well as in the view of the comments on the threat and
destructive nature of the analogy of law, it is worth highlighting that while considering those
rare cases that require turning to the analogy, the judges face the complications that can cause
certain judicial errors (Balashov and Mishutina, 2009). Therefore, the assumption that it is
inappropriate to correlate the analogy of law with the establishment of the legislation meaning,
as well as the reasons to exclude the analogy of law from the provisions, are to be considered
as grounded and promising. However, relying on a general assessment of analogy as a
fundamental process that plays a central role in any legal reasoning (Hunter, 2008) and impacts
the entire legal process, it is worth highlighting the falseness of such ideas in terms of both the
approach and argumentation.
Materials and methods
This study is based on the doctrinal analysis of legal premise that follow the legal
theories, laws, and judicial practice materials. The key feature of the work is the reference to
both the provisions of well-known generalizing acts of the supreme judicial authority as well as
judicial acts that were not previously discussed theoretically, and when the executors of law
resolved the dispute by means of the analogy of law. A distinctive feature of the methodological
basis of the work was the concurrent application of the analogy method and other logical
methods of analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, comparison and generalization,
typology and analogy, which are characteristic for civil law research (Luneva, 2015).
This study refutes the scientifically accepted notion that the consequent complication
and itemization of civil legislation will lead to the fact that the analogy of law will not be
necessary, and the norm on the admissibility of such a technique by the courts will actually
acquire a metaphysical character.
Revista de Investigación Apuntes Universitarios
2021: 11(1),36 - 45
ISSN 2312-4253(impresa)
ISSN 2078-4015(en línea)
The idea has been suggested that if the law executor follows the principle of good faith
and other basic principles of civil law while solving a civil law conflict, the judicial act will
objectively reflect the necessity to amend or supplement current.
Opposing the opinion of legal scholars and practicing lawyers, who consider the analogy
of law as an extraordinary (Bevzenko, 2010; Rovny, 2011) and exceptional (Balashov and
Mishutina, 2009) tool, it seems possible to provide some solid arguments. There is a misguided
concept that a qualitative improvement and a quantitative increase in the civil regulatory
normative array as a whole reduces the necessity for law enforcers to apply the method under
study for overcoming legal uncertainty.
Courts must make decisions that, while consistent with the letter of the law, also meet
the requirements of socio-economic justice (Laptev, 2015). Judges must require legislators to
disclose the consequences of approval of excessive amounts of compensation. Therefore,
according to the rules of Article 333 of the Civil Code of RF regarding penalties, courts must
consider analogous cases to assess (and if necessary, reduce) any civil law sanctions
(Mikryukov, 2017). Civil law, which was developed to coordinate the behavior of independent
individuals, is not able to keep up with the complexity of modern life. Individuals are able to
enter into contractual obligations not specified by law and to create objects that do not conform
to current regulatory statutes.
It is also obvious that general development and complication of the factors of civil law
interaction provide new areas of implementation of the analogy of law, including: private
relations that nowadays are insufficiently regulated, the application of genomic technologies
(Maleina, 2019), introduction of robots (Arkhipov and Naumov, 2017) and artificial
intelligence systems (Laptev, 2019), and the development of the digital economy as a whole
(Vaipan, 2017). Being a channel of direct application of the basic principles of civil law, the
analogy of law provides the necessity to include more actively civil law principles into the legal
regulation of public relations.
Some scholars generally assume that legal principles constitute the analogy of law
(Sizemova, 2015). The regulatory role of the analogy of law should not be underestimated in
neither doctrinal nor practical aspects, since there actually observed general increase in the
importance of civil law principles in the legal impact on public relations (Golubtsov, 2016), as
well as the calls for their greater influence not only on the process of creating legal norms, but
also on the practice of law enforcement (Bondarenko, 2013). Providing civil law impact on
public relations according to the requirements of good faith, reasonableness and justice, the
analogy of law becomes not only the means of gap overcoming, but also an effective way to
resist the attempts of law evasion (Veter, 2015) and other abuse of law (Volkov, 2010).
Revista de Investigación Apuntes Universitarios
2021: 11(1),36 - 45
ISSN 2312-4253(impresa)
ISSN 2078-4015(en línea)
Judicial practice confirms the present consideration (the Resolution No. 67/10 of the
Presidium of the Supreme Arbitration Court of RF dated April 27, 2010; the Resolution No.
12499/11 of the Presidium of the Supreme Arbitration Court of RF as of February 21, 2012).
Such a vivid and significant feature of analogy as its direct contact with legal creativity (Taylor,
2009) implies the ability of the analogy of law to perform a creative function in the process of
justice administration and to contribute to the development of law. It is not bad at all that there
is some uncertainty, introduced into the sphere of civil law through the analogy of law providing
a judge with certain discretion. Moreover, it is dialectically determined by the need for a
regulatory system in such institutions that can minimize the gap between state legislative efforts
and objective reality (Tsikhotsky, 2011). In this context, positive impact of the present feature
of the analogy of law is clearly demonstrated by judicial acts of higher courts, which not only
solved promptly the national wide-scale and high-profile problems, but also led to a relevant
adjustment of current legislation.
The author of the present work points out the significance of the position of the Plenum
of the Supreme Arbitration Court of RF declaring that justice and the general principles of civil
law imply the inadmissibility of foreclosure on mortgaged movable property acquired on an
indemnity basis from a mortgagor by a person who in good faith did not know, and should not
have known that the acquiring property was encumbered with a pledge. The introduced
provision contributed to the development of the “living” nature of the norm of Section 2 of
Article 6 of the Civil Code of RF and to the understanding that the ability to anticipate normative
changes is included in the analogy of law functional (Section 25 of the Resolution No. 10 of
February 17, 2011 “On Certain issues of application of legislation on pledge”).
On the one hand, the Plenum is not actually authorized to make law, although it specified
(for cases of acquisitions on good faith) the norm of Section 1 of Article 353 of the Civil Code
of RF on the preservation of the pledge holder's rights, regardless of the category of the owner
of the pledged property, and introduced a rule on the termination of the pledge right when the
pledged property is transferred to the acquirer on good faith. On the other hand, the Plenum not
only ensured the immediate application of the principles of civil law and protected a large
number of car owners who bought cars pledged to banks, previously purchased by their
counterparties on credit, but also anticipated the adoption of a new legal provision.
Nowadays (in the period after the adoption of the modern Civil Code of RF in 1994 until
2020), there is insufficient scientific research, as well as insufficient educational and
methodological coverage of the cases, of the analogy of law implementation in civil law
practice, although there is not any absence or shortage of such cases. Until recently, the
“Martynyuk Case”, considered in 1940 by the Supreme Court of the USSR, remained the only
practical illustration of the theoretical construction of the application of civil legislation through
the analogy of law (Ioffe, 2004). Law theorists and specialist in civil law were deprived of
Revista de Investigación Apuntes Universitarios
2021: 11(1),36 - 45
ISSN 2312-4253(impresa)
ISSN 2078-4015(en línea)
empirical material for the development of the analogy of law as an active, “living” institution.
Therefore, there is an increase in the demand for the analogy of law in the administration of
The results of this study confirm the idea of the current and inevitable in the future
significance of the analogy of law in civil law practice. The ability of the analogy of law in law
enforcement to perform a creative function and contribute to the development of law has been
proven. Courts directly implementing the mechanism of the analogy of law in resolving a
specific dispute are recommended not only to argue specifically the necessity of applying this
mechanism in a judicial act, but also to give the legislator a clear and unambiguous signal on
the necessity of specific legislative changes.
According to the analogy with the principle of intellectual intimidation attributed to
Socrates the idea was confirmed that an increase in the normative array inevitably entails the
contact of law with the legal void. Therefore, the increase in the number of disputes where law
enforcers appeal to the analogy of law requires adequate consideration in the civilized research
of lawmaking as well as in its educational process. It is necessary to intensify work on
collecting, analyzing, and summarizing examples of the immediate implementation of the basic
principles of civil law through the analogy of law.
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Revista de Investigación Apuntes Universitarios
2021: 11(1),36 - 45
ISSN 2312-4253(impresa)
ISSN 2078-4015(en línea)